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perl-compiler - issue #45

//= doesn't work with B::CC

Posted on Sep 12, 2010 by Massive Bear

This test program fails with B::CC.


my $x; $x //= 1;

print "r:$x\n";

Expected output: $ perl test11.pl r:1

With B::CC the "//=" doesn't work. $ perlcc -O -o test11 test11.pl && ./test11 r:

Used versions: - perl v5.10.1 and v5.12.1 - B::C r605

Comment #1

Posted on Feb 28, 2011 by Grumpy Rhino

fixed with r912

Also added 3 more testcases to issue45.t: passing + failing branch for dorassign and dor (dor never failed, but test it for regressions)

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium