
dynamic service extension for Google-Guice **MOVED TO GITHUB**

Peaberry has moved to ops4j/peaberry on GitHub.

peaberry 1.3 is now available on Maven Central.

The peaberry project is an extension library for Google-Guice that supports dependency injection of dynamic services. It provides OSGi integration out of the box, and has plug-in support for other registry-based service frameworks. It ships as an OSGi bundle that can be dropped into any R4 framework, such as Apache Felix or Eclipse/Equinox. You can also use peaberry outside of OSGi.

current status

Injection of Eclipse extensions and a simple factory for injecting extensions is now available in the 1.1 release.

peaberry 1.1 has also been successfully tested on the Google App Engine with a non-OSGi ServiceRegistry
( various people are still investigating getting OSGi frameworks running on the App Engine ).

peaberry 1.1.1 can be used with the'>Newton/Infiniflow distributed OSGi framework by enabling native filters:


( See this in practice with the recently uploaded Newton/peaberry'>example! ).

future plans

Currently investigating lifecycle/component models and injection of configuration details.

Project Information

Java Guice OSGi bundle IOC