
PC Load Letter: an open source podcast


What's this all about?

It's a 10-20 minute podcast where Ben and Fitz answer your questions about open source software development, collaborative software development tools, and the problems that inevitably arise when you try to write software with other people. When they run out of questions to answer, they have a tendency to babble about a whole range of boring stuff, so keep those questions coming!

How do I download the podcast?

Grab the latest podcast from the bubble on the right, or click the 'downloads' tab to see all of the episodes. Or, if you want to subscribe directly in iTunes, just subscribe to PC LOAD LETTER in iTunes.

How do I see the current list of questions?

The questions are stored in the issue tracker.

How do I ask a question?

Just type your question into the new issue form and click "Submit Issue." Be sure to delete the contents of the description field and then type your question.

How do I vote for questions?

On the issues list page, just "star" any question that you want to vote for. You can also look at the questions sorted by the number of stars to see the questions most likely to be discussed/answered in the next podcast.

Who the heck are you guys?

We're just these two guys, right? We've been working together off and on for almost ten years now, and we also do a lot of "pair presenting." Ben is one of the original founders of the Subversion project, and Fitz joined in shortly thereafter. We're the first engineers that Google hired in Chicago, and between the two of us we have over 20 years of open source experience and more than 900 Google T-shirts, give or take a few hundred.

Project Information

opensource podcast technology advice