Here is an excerpt from the included source:
``` import ca.zmatrix.cli.ParseCmd; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String usage = "usage: -loop n -delay nnn -ifile fileName [ -tt nn -ofile abc ]";
ParseCmd cmd = new ParseCmd.Builder()
.parm("-loop", "10" ).req()
.parm("-delay", "100").req()
.msg("must enter 3-digits.")
.parm("-ifile", "java.txt").req()
.parm("-tt", "0")
.parm("-ofile", "readme.txt")
.parm("-verbose", "0").rex("^[01]{1}$")
Map<String,String> R = new HashMap<String,String>();
String parseError = cmd.validate(args);
if( cmd.isValid(args) ) {
R = cmd.parse(args);
else { System.out.println(parseError); System.exit(1); }
// R contains default or input values for defined parms and used as in:
// long loop = Long.parseLong( R.get("-loop"));
} ```
Run-time output:
``` java -cp parsecmd.jar ca.zmatrix.cli.ParseCmd -loop 1
enter required parms: -loop -delay -ifile
usage: -loop n -delay nnn -ifile fileName [ -tt nn -ofile abc ]
The message indicates that 3-parameters are required, -loop, -delay and -ifile
java -cp parsecmd.jar ca.zmatrix.cli.ParseCmd -loop 1 -delay 33 -ifile xyz.txt
-delay value of '33' is invalid;
must enter 3-digits.
usage: -loop n -delay nnn -ifile fileName [ -tt nn -ofile abc ]
java -cp parsecmd.jar ca.zmatrix.cli.ParseCmd -loop 1 -delay 555 -ifile afile.txt
String err = cmd.validate(args); returns an empty string e.g. ok
Map<String,String> R = cmd.parse(args); returns the Map of merged values and the
caller application no longer needs the API; the obtained Map has the validated
and merged parameters such as the ones in this example.
-loop 1
-delay 555
-ifile afile.txt
-tt 0
-ofile readme.txt