
Nonlinear optimization library written in C++ with Python and Qt interfaces.


OTK++ (Optimization Toolkit) is a nonlinear optimization library written in C++. It also has a Python-based interface for testing and comparing algorithms and a Qt-based GUI for demonstration purposes. OTK++ relies to a large extent on the Boost libraries: linear algebra operations and Python interfaces are written by using uBLAS and Boost.Python.


The algorithms implemented in OTK++ are designed for finding local minima of real-valued multivariate functions. The aim is to implement algorithms especially for nonsmooth and constrained large-scale problems. The currently implemented algorithms are for solving unconstrained or box-constrained optimization problems of the form


See the wiki pages for installation instructions and tutorials on how to use the library and its user interfaces.


Seppo Pulkkinen

Project Information

optimization toolkit CPlusPlus Python Qt nonlinear numerical algorithms minimization