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Instructions for the impatient people

Download an Official release or get single binaries as jars form the Sonatype's Maven Repository. Want latest fresh SNAPSHOT? Once you've download OrientDB follow the Installation instructions.


Below the badges you can use in your web site, application and presentation to say to the world "Hey, I'm using OrientDB!". The best would be linking that button to the web site: http://www.orientdb.org

Once used you can tell us your story to be published between the Production deployments page.

|Description|Image normal size|Image small size| |:----------|:----------------|:---------------| |Classic button|http://www.orientdb.org/images/powered_by_orientdb_white.png|http://www.orientdb.org/images/powered_by_orientdb_white_small.png| |Reflex button|http://www.orientdb.org/images/powered_by_orientdb_reflex.png|http://www.orientdb.org/images/powered_by_orientdb_reflex_small.png| |Blue button|http://www.orientdb.org/images/powered_by_orientdb_blue.png|http://www.orientdb.org/images/powered_by_orientdb_blue_small.png| |Green button|http://www.orientdb.org/images/powered_by_orientdb_green.png|http://www.orientdb.org/images/powered_by_orientdb_green_small.png|

What distribution should I use ?

OrientDB comes with 2 distributions: * OrientDB, the main distribution * OrientDB Graph Edition

The Graph Edition is the same of OrientDB main package with something more: * TinkerPop Blueprints API/Driver * TinkerPop GREMLIN language * 'tinkerpop' example database instead of 'demo' database of default distribution

If you have planned to use the TinkerPop stack download the Graph Edition, otherwise the base distribution is enough. Consider that you can start with the base distribution and then switch to the Graph Edition.

Version numbers

Starting from release 1.0.0 OrientDB uses the Semantic Versioning approach.

Consider a version format of X.Y.Z (Major.Minor.Patch). Bug fixes not affecting the API increment the patch version, backwards compatible API additions/changes increment the minor version, and backwards incompatible API changes increment the major version.

This system is called "Semantic Versioning." Under this scheme, version numbers and the way they change convey meaning about the underlying code and what has been modified from one version to the next.

Full distribution

Official distribution

Download latest official release at this page.

Download binaries from Maven repository

Get single binaries as jars form the Sonatype's Official Maven Repository.

Latest Snapshot

This is the suggested download if want to have and use the last version with all the new features and bugs fixed. Snapshot builds always compile and pass all the test cases. These packages don't contain the "demo" database. To create it just run the test suite with "ant test".

Download the last snapshot.

From continuous integration

This is the place where you can always find the last version automatically compiled from the SVN trunk: http://datastorm.com.ua/jenkins/job/orient-svn-maven/

Via MAVEN repository

If you want to use OrientDB through Java the best and easy way is through Apache Maven. If you want to use the client/server version you need the Full distribution.

Add this snippet in your pom.xml file:

Add "bundle" artifact type to the list of Maven types

<build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId> <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3.6</version> <extensions>true</extensions> </plugin> </plugins> </build>

Maven repository for stables

Starting from 1.0rc9 the repository is the official Sonatype Maven repository, so you don't have to configure it in your pom.xml file.

Last stable

``` com.orientechnologies orient-commons 1.0.1 bundle com.orientechnologies orientdb-core 1.0.1 bundle com.orientechnologies orientdb-client 1.0.1 bundle

oss.sonatype.org OrientDB Maven2 Repository https://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/public/ true true ```

Last snapshot (compiles and pass all the test cases)

Snapshots are hosted on official Maven Sonatype.org repository. ``` com.orientechnologies orient-commons 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT bundle com.orientechnologies orientdb-core 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT bundle

com.orientechnologies orientdb-client 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT bundle

com.orientechnologies orientdb-blueprints 2.0.0o-SNAPSHOT bundle

sonatype-nexus-releases Sonatype Nexus Snapshots https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots ```