This page is no longer used for reporting defects, issues or feature requests on individual OpenSocial containers, e.g. Orkut. It is solely used for the specification process.
Contributing to the Specification
This page will describe how to use the issue management system associated with the OpenSocial Specification project. The OpenSocial Development Process defines the mechanism by which changes are made to the specification. Much in the manner of an open source project, a source code repository is used to track changes. In this case though, the "code" is actually the XML documents that comprise the OpenSocial specification.
It is important that all the work to present to the community, define, and discuss the proposed changes take place in the OpenSocial Specification Group.
## How to use "Issues" ##
The primary reason for leveraging issues is so that "patches", e.g. changes to the XML files that are the speicfication, can be tracked and managed. This is especially important for ensuring that contributions are made by individuals that have signed the necessary IP agreements, e.g. the CLA.
A'>Feature Request should be opened when changes are ready to be applied to the specification. This assumes that the community has already approved this feature. Again, this discussion should take place in the'>OpenSocial Specification Group and be described on a wiki paged linked off of the'>proposed changes paged.
There are likely to be minor "bugs" with the specification. We'll use'>OpenSocial Specification Group to identify and discuss them, but track the actual changes using a similar mechanism. That is, once we agree on the bug, and if necessary, captured the details on the wiki, we'll check in a patch that we'll apply to the spec. This insures proper provenance of the spec.
One final note. Before posting an issue, please read how to post a high quality ticket. Good tickets have a better chance of being fixed than poor tickets.
If you find bugs or want changes made to the OpenSocial Specification:
- Report issues
- View open issues
- Request features
- View feature requests