flump is a simple application that allows your to download all of the public photos for a specific Flickr account.
Application built for the Adobe on AIR Bus Tour.
Mac and Windows
Adobe AIR 1.1 (Mac and Windows)
Adobe AIR Linux Alpha (Linux)
Mac and Windows
Download flump (Mac Windows. requires Adobe AIR)
[ Download flump] (Linux)
Version .91 (August 12, 2008)
- Added support for flickr authentication
- Image license requirements enforced
- Support for authenticated and unauthenticated downloads
Version .90 (August 11, 2008)
- Released an AIR file that will work with the Adobe AIR Linux Alpha.
Version .90 (August 7, 2008)
- Support for Adobe AIR 1.1
- Added ability to specify username in addition to account id
- Added ability to specify how downloaded files are named
- Added more user feedback / messages, especially when errors occur
- Error checking is more robust
- Lost of small tweaks and polish
Version .85 (August 9, 2007)
- Initial release with support for Adobe AIR Beta 1
Source is in Flex 3 and ActionScript 3. You can compile it using the Flex SDK or Flex Builder 3. Note, you must use the 3.0.2 version of the Flex SDK in order to compile the application. You can find more information here. You can find information on how to setup your development environment here.
- Get source.
- Get source of ActionScript 3 Flickr Library (You have to link to source and not the SWC).
- Put flickr source in class path.
- Put common library in class path.
- Download ActionScript 3 corelib SWC and link to it.
- Compile.
Download and install the application from the AIR file.
Once you have installed and launched the application, enter the flickr account ID or account name of the account that you want to download the images from.
Once you have specified the flickr user id or username, then you can optionally specify the folder that the images will be downloaded into. By default, images will be downloaded into a directory named flump on the desktop.
You can also specify how the downloaded files will be named.
Currently, flump will only download the original image source, and can only do so, if the Flickr account owner has set their account permissions to allow the original images to be downloaded.
You can find more information on this in the Can I access my original Images question on the Flickr FAQ.
Bugs / Feature Requests
Please log any bugs and / or feature requests on the Issues page.
Created by
- Allow more naming options
- Ability to pause and resume downloads
- More options on how to name saved files