
An Automated EventHandler for Android

Finally, a way to automate my device the way I want!

Omnidroid is an automated event/action manager that allows users to automate system functionality based on incoming application intents. It also provides a general plug-in framework that allows any compatible application events to trigger any other applications actions. An intuitive user interface allows the user to control what events cause what actions to occur (see DesignOverview for more information.)

| Current Features | Future Features | |:---------------------|:--------------------| | Phone Call Management
Text Message Handling
GPS Management
Battery/Power Management
System Management (limited)
Email Management (limited) Calendar Management'> Suggest a feature


How to get involved

  • Install the app (BETA RELEASE)
  • Submit issue reports
  • Contribute to the source
  • Donate Funds

Libraries utilized'>JTwitter (LGPL)'>libSMTP (Apache)

Project Information

android mobile java mobile g1 eventhandler automation development integration nyu nexus1 droid htc productivity