Caution : Please use new version Previous versions has a serious bug in autoupdate.
Please follow the @junotest in twitter, if you wanna get the new release info.
nsiqcppstyle is aiming to provide the extensible / easy use / highly maintainable coding style checker for C/C++ source code. Rules and analysis engine are seperated and users can develop own C/C++ coding style rule. Furthermore, there is customizable rule server(Google App Engine or dJango based) as well. This project is developed for provide the internal toolset for NHN corp in South Korea and source code/downloads are hosted in http://dev.naver.com/projects/nsiqcppstyle/.
The available rules are found in public rule server (http://nsiqcppstyle.appspot.com)
This site is constructed to provide the instruction in English.
- IntroductionToNsiqCppStyle
- QuickStart
- DetailOptions
- HowToSetUpFileFilter
- IdeIntegration
- HudsonIntegration
- HowToInstallNsiqCppStyleServer
Project Information
- License: Apache License 2.0
- 18 stars
- svn-based source control