Download: * 0.2a: (Windows not yet supported). * 0.2-0: .
``` Usage: class-dump-z []
where options are:
Analysis: -p Convert undeclared getters and setters into properties (propertize). -h proto Hide methods which already appears in an adopted protocol. -h super Hide inherited methods. -y Choose the sysroot. Default to the path of latest iPhoneOS SDK, or /. -u Choose a specific architecture in a fat binary (e.g. armv6, armv7, etc.)
Formatting: -a Print ivar offsets -A Print implementation VM addresses. -k Show additional comments. -k -k Show even more comments. -R Show pointer declarations as int a instead of int a. -N Keep the raw struct names (e.g. do no replace __CFArray* with CFArrayRef). -b Put a space after the +/- sign (i.e. + (void)... instead of +(void)...). -i Read and update signature hints file.
Filtering: -C Only display types with (original) name matching the RegExp (in PCRE syntax). -f Only display methods with (original) name matching the RegExp. -g Display exported classes only. -X Ignore all types (except categories) with a prefix in the comma-separated list. -h cats Hide categories. -h dogs Hide protocols.
Sorting: -S Sort types in alphabetical order. -s Sort methods in alphabetical order. -z Sort methods alphabetically but put class methods and -init... first.
Output: -H Separate into header files -o Put header files into this directory instead of current directory. ```
Why a yet another class-dump?
class-dump is a command-line tool to extract Objective-C class interfaces, written by Steve Nygard 17 years ago. The development however paused in 2007 at version 3.1.2, without support for the newest ABI.
This caused the birth of class-dump-x by Holly Lee in 2008. But being a straight modified version of class-dump, it inherited some of the problems, e.g. the ivar offsets are calculated wrongly, properties are not supported, etc.
I, using class-dump-x a lot for reverse engineering, finds that the ivar offset problem is hard to get over with. Having no answers a few months after a bug report, I decided to just fix the problem myself — hence class-dump-z is started.
(While I was creating class-dump-z, the original class-dump development suddenly reactivated at July 1st. The newest version 3.2 does support 2.0 ABI now, but the ivar offset info is even worse than class-dump-x.)
Why you don't want to use class-dump-z
Instead of a generic-purpose class dumper, class-dump-z was written with iPhoneOS development in mind. Therefore, the following features will probably never be implemented: * 64-bit support. (Unless there is a 4 GiB RAM iPhone.) * Objective-C 1.0 ABI. In general, if you want to dump Mac OS X, you should use the original class-dump. But if you're dumping iPhoneOS binaries, class-dump-z is definitely the better choice.
10x the speed
| Time to dump... | class-dump-x 3.1.2 | class-dump 3.3.1 | class-dump-z 0.2-0 | |:--------------------|:-------------------|:-----------------|:-------------------| | UIKit 2.0 (run in Mac OS X) | 2.2s | 1.8s | 0.13s | | UIKit 3.1 (run in Mac OS X) | 2.9s | 2.1s | 0.19s | | CoreData 3.0 (run in iPhoneOS) | 21s | - | 2.6s |
time class-dump-? -a -A UIKit > /dev/null
class-dump-z is written from scratch using C++ avoiding using dynamic calls, unlike class-dump and class-dump-x which are written in Objective-C. Removing these unnecessary calls makes class-dump-z near 10 times faster than the precedences.
| Platforms | class-dump-x 3.1.2 | class-dump 3.3.1 | class-dump-z 0.2-0 | |:--------------|:-------------------|:-----------------|:-------------------| | Mac OS X 10.6 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | iPhoneOS 3.1 | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ | | Linux | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | | Windows | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ |
Since class-dump-z is written in C++, it is very easy to port to other platforms. Currently Mac OS X 10.6, iPhoneOS 3.1, Linux (x86 and amd64) and Windows (≥XP) are officially supported.
Correct ivar offsets
class-dump-x 3.1.2
unsigned int _isHighlighted:1; // 68 = 0x44
unsigned int _isSelected:1; // 69 = 0x45
UITableView *_table; // 92 = 0x5c
BOOL _allowsCustomizing; // 96 = 0x60
NSArray *_moreViewControllers; // 97 = 0x61
UIMoreListCellLayoutManager *_layoutManager; // 101 = 0x65
class-dump 3.3.1
unsigned int _isHighlighted:1;
unsigned int _isSelected:1;
(No offsets shown. Don't know why.)UITableView *_table;
BOOL _allowsCustomizing;
NSArray *_moreViewControllers;
UIMoreListCellLayoutManager *_layoutManager;
class-dump-z 0.2-0
unsigned _isHighlighted : 1; // 68 = 0x44
unsigned _isSelected : 1; // 68 = 0x44
UITableView* _table; // 92 = 0x5c
BOOL _allowsCustomizing; // 96 = 0x60
NSArray* _moreViewControllers; // 100 = 0x64
UIMoreListCellLayoutManager* _layoutManager; // 104 = 0x68
class-dump-? -a -C UIMoreListController UIKit
Generating ivar offsets by accumulation is a tricky business, due to alignments and bitfield packing. It is so tricky that the compiler will generate this info into the file. class-dump-z will read from that part of memory and give the most correct result.
Struct name prettifying
| | UIScrollView
3.0 |
| class-dump-x 3.1.2 | -(id)hitTest:(struct CGPoint)fp8 forEvent:(struct __GSEvent *)fp16;
| class-dump 3.3.1 | -(id)hitTest:(struct CGPoint)arg1 forEvent:(struct __GSEvent *)arg2;
| class-dump-z 0.2-0 | -(id)hitTest:(CGPoint)test forEvent:(GSEventRef)event;
class-dump-? -C UIScrollView -f hitTest UIKit
class-dump-z will typedef
structs and unions to the most presentable name with heuristics.
This feature can be explicitly turned off with the -N switch.
Stable name generation for anonymous structs
| | UIThreePartImageView
2.0 | UIThreePartImageView
3.0 |
| class-dump-x 3.1.2 | -(void)setSlices:(CDAnonymousStruct8)fp8;
| -(void)setSlices:(CDAnonymousStruct10)fp8;
| class-dump 3.3.1 | -(void)setSlices:(CDStruct_75b8db5d)arg1;
| -(void)setSlices:(CDStruct_75b8db5d)arg1;
| class-dump-z 0.2-0 | -(void)setSlices:(XXStruct_UUz0SD)slices;
| -(void)setSlices:(XXStruct_UUz0SD)slices;
class-dump-? -C UIThreePartImageView UIKit
Ever tried to diff a library between two versions? You'll be frustrated by so many differences that are caused by a change of indices in anonymous structs. No more problem in class-dump-z — as long as the struct is having the same members, the generated name will be fixed.
The name is computed by the CRC-32 checksum of the Objective-C type encoding of the struct.
| | UIScrollView
3.0 |
| class-dump-x 3.1.2 | N/A |
| class-dump 3.3.1 | @property(nonatomic) struct CGPoint contentOffset;
| class-dump-z 0.1-11o | @property(assign, nonatomic) CGPoint contentOffset;
class-dump-? -C UIScrollView UIKit
class-dump-z supports declared properties. Not only that, it supports every property attributes, including the undocumented ones. Moreover, it will hide the extra copy of getters/setters if a property is present.
Some libraries are written before the dot syntax was introduced or by some dot-syntax-haters, so you'll see a long list of getters/setters like
I found it pretty annoying. In class-dump-z you can supply the -p
switch to automatically convert them into
@property(retain) id title;
@property(retain) id subtitle;
Hide inherited and delegate methods
@interface UITableViewController : UIViewController <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource> {
int _tableViewStyle;
id _keyboardSupport;
@property(retain, nonatomic) UITableView* tableView;
// inherited: -(id)init;
// inherited: -(void)dealloc;
// declared property getter: -(id)tableView;
// declared property setter: -(void)setTableView:(id)view;
// inherited: -(void)loadView;
// inherited: -(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)view;
// inherited: -(void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)view;
// inherited: -(void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)view;
-(void)setEditing:(BOOL)editing animated:(BOOL)animated;
// in a protocol: -(int)tableView:(id)view numberOfRowsInSection:(int)section;
// in a protocol: -(id)tableView:(id)view cellForRowAtIndexPath:(id)indexPath;
// in a protocol: -(void)tableView:(id)view willBeginEditingRowAtIndexPath:(id)indexPath;
// in a protocol: -(void)tableView:(id)view didEndEditingRowAtIndexPath:(id)indexPath;
Method overloading in subclass is very common in OO design, but such information is useless when generating headers. Yet, by default a class dumper wouldn't know if an implementation is overloaded or a new method. If it's not useful, why not hide them? class-dump-z does that.
Another class of useless information are those being implemented to adopt a protocol. class-dump-z can also filter them out.
If you are running class-dump-z outside of the iPhoneOS, or you haven't installed the SDK, you have to tell class-dump-z where can the libraries be found by the -y switch. If you using using firmware 3.1, because all framework binaries are removed, hiding inherited methods from external frameworks won't work properly.
Readable argument names
| | UIImage(UIImageDeprecated)
3.0 |
| class-dump-x 3.1.2 | -(void)draw9PartImageWithSliceRects:(CDAnonymousStruct13)fp8 inRect:(struct CGRect)fp152;
| class-dump 3.3.1 | -(void)draw9PartImageWithSliceRects:(CDStruct_c8cd2c5d)arg1 inRect:(struct CGRect)arg2;
| class-dump-z 0.2-0 | -(void)draw9PartImageWithSliceRects:(XXStruct_4cr1oD)sliceRects inRect:(CGRect)rect;
class-dump-? -C UIImageDeprecated UIKit
No more meaningless fpXX. class-dump-z will give a suitable name to each argument using Apple's coding style guide.
Correct header generation
| | WebThreadSafeUndoManager
3.1 |
| class-dump-x 3.1.2 | #import "NSUndoManager.h"
| class-dump 3.3.1 | #import "NSUndoManager.h"
| class-dump-z 0.2-0 | #import <Foundation/NSUndoManager.h>
The headers generated by -H
are not immediately usable because the imports usually points to non-existing .h files. There is even a page dedicated to fixing this problem.
class-dump-z now will see which library the external class comes from, and tries to make up a better .h file location to import.
Even with this change, headers generated by class-dump-z is generally not immediately usable either. This is usually because of name clash with Foundation and CoreFoundation objects. Most of the cases supplying the
flag to filter them out is enough to fix it.
Hints file
When an Objective-C source is compiled, the class name in a method will be stripped, so in the dump you'll get
-(void)touchesBegan:(id)began withEvent:(id)event;
instead of
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet*)began withEvent:(UIEvent*)event;
Hints file is created to address this problem. When you pass the -i
flag, a tab-delimited file will be created, which contains the type signature e.g.
-[UIGestureRecognizer touchesBegan:withEvent:] void id id
You can edit this file and change to the more precise signature, i.e.
-[UIGestureRecognizer touchesBegan:withEvent:] void NSSet* UIEvent*
then feed the same file with the -i
flag. The updated signature will be reflected in the dump.
Miscellaneous features
- Class attributes, e.g.
. - Supports obscure type encodings, e.g. the C99
types, Objective-C class ivars with ≥2 protocols, GC-invisible pointers, etc. - Put that star on the left or right, I like
int* x
more, some people likeint *x
more. With the-R
switch one can switch between the two styles easily. - Put a space or not after the +/-. With the
switch one can choose to use- (void)hello
What's missing
There are some features I don't find them immediately useful, so they are not supported yet.
Sort by inheritance (-I flag), Recursive dumping (-r)
These are not easy to implement and I find them not so useful so I left them out.