This is an API that implements the Netconf protocol (RFC 4741) for building client applications.
The Netconf protocol is designed for managing network devices.
It uses an RPC paradigm to perform configuration actions and management of remote devices.
The main goal is to provide valuable support for this protocol for Android applications and Java applications.
With this API and any Netconf server that supports certain capabilities, you can build an Android application to configure and drive a remote firewall for example.
- Using SSH-2 as the transport protocol (ganymed-ssh2);
- Compatible with Android API level 8 and above;
- Compatible with Java 1.5 and above;
- Using XML DOM parser.
- Support for RPC requests in synchronous and asynchronous.
- Major level of abstraction for managing the data received and error for both the transport protocol and the Netconf protocol errors.
- Ability to implement new transport protocols by the user.
- The library has been designed to be used directly, but more importantly to provide a solid basis for code that generates API for specific YANG modules (RFC 6020).
- Give the library a tool for automatic generation of Java code through YANG modules.
For more information and to learn how to start to use the API, see the http://code.google.com/p/netconf4android/wiki/Introduction'>wiki pages.
When programming, you can consult the http://netconf4android.googlecode.com/svn-history/Netconf4Android/doc/index.html'>Javadoc.
For any questions, please contact me (Giuseppe Palmeri) at:
g.palmeri @ yahoo.it
I'll be happy to give you any kind of clarification and any kind of help is
welcome on the project.
Copyright (c) 2010 Giuseppe Palmeri