
A simple AS3-style scenegraph for Processing/Java


Nest provides a high-level, simple scenegraph for Processing, loosely following the API for the scenegraph and display list implemented by ActionScript 3.

Nest is targeted toward Processing developers familiar with AS3, who wish to organize on-screen objects in a display list hierarchy. As with the AS3 display list, Nest establishes parent-child relationships, applies parent transformations to children, and allows easy manipulation of on-screen objects through member variables such as x, y, rotation, and scale.

Nest also includes an event-based communication system, built on the Observer pattern as implemented by Java's Observer interface. It loosely follows elements of the AS3 / DOM Event Model.

For more information, please visit Nest's home page.

Project Information

The project was created on Jun 7, 2011.

scenegraph events Processing ActionScript GPL Java scale position rotation transform capture bubble parent child AS3