neatx - issue #19
old sessions not getting cleared up and preventing new session startup
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Start with an empty sessions directory for the Neatx server. 2.Open a NX session to Neatx server (with virtual desktop enabled; I'm using XFCE4) 3.Instead of disconnecting or terminating through Neatx dialog, log out via the window manager. I get an error about having no response from NX server. 4.Try opening a new NX session to the same Neatx server. I get an "Internal Error"
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Based on NoMachine NX server's behavior, I expect logging out through the window manager to terminate the session and allow me te start a new session the next time I connect. However, I get an error. Detail (personal details redacted):
NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 30140 NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command NX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files NX> 285 Setting the preferred NX options NX> 200 Connected to address: 128.32.xxx.xx on port: 22 NX> 202 Authenticating user: nx NX> 208 Using auth method: publickey HELLO NXSERVER - Version 3.3.0 - GPL NX> 105 Hello nxclient - version 3.3.0 NX> 134 Accepted protocol: 3.3.0 NX> 105 Set SHELL_MODE: SHELL NX> 105 Set AUTH_MODE: PASSWORD NX> 105 Login NX> 101 User: NX> 102 Password: ****** NX> 103 Welcome to: xxxx user: byungkyup NX> 105 Listsession --user="byungkyup" --status="suspended,running" --geometry="1024x600x24+render" --type="unix-application" NX> 127 Session list of user 'byungkyup': Display Type Session ID Options Depth Screen Status Session Name
263 unix-application 7A7F704853EF07C6DEB4BC3957279C6F -RD--PSA 24 1018x556 Running xxxx
NX> 148 Server capacity: not reached for user: byungkyup NX> 105 Restoresession --virtualdesktop="1" --application="xfce4-session" --link="lan" --backingstore="1" --encryption="1" --cache="16m" --images="64m" --shmem="1" --shpix="1" --strict="0" --composite="1" --media="0" --imagecompressionmethod="3" --imagecompressionlevel="-1" --render="1" --session="xxxx" --type="unix-application" --geometry="1024x574" --client="linux" --keyboard="pc102/us" --id="7a7f704853ef07c6deb4bc3957279c6f" --virtualdesktop="1" NX> 500 Internal error NX> 999 Bye. NX> 280 Exiting on signal: 15
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
I am using this an Debian Lenny, the version is the one checked out from the SVN today, July 28th, 2009.
Please provide any additional information below.
In order to be able to connect to the same Neatx server with the same account after this, I have to go into the server and manually delete the session directory.
Also, although if I terminate a session through Neatx's dialog, I can restart a new session later, it doesn't appear that Neatx actually cleans up the old session directories (unless it does some periodic clean-up). Also, existence of these old session directories, for some reason, stopped me from being able to reproduce this result (hence the step 1).
Comment #1
Posted on Jul 28, 2009 by Happy RhinoYou are correct that it doesn't cleanup old session dirs currently. Can you provide the debug logs from /var/log/user.log for this please? Preferably for both the original session, and the followup session that fails to start. Thanks
Comment #2
Posted on Jul 28, 2009 by Quick ElephantI am attaching the debug logs asked for. I put 4 newlines between the first connection (starting with clean session directory) and the second connection (after the logout from first connection ended unsuccessfully).
I also redacted some of the personal information, such as the server name.
- neatx-debug.log 27.74KB
Comment #3
Posted on Jul 29, 2009 by Happy RhinoFantastic, thanks. I see two problems. One is that nxagent is dying unexpectedly:
Jul 28 13:24:04 xxxx nxnode[9263]: ERROR daemon:580 /usr/bin/nxagent[9267] failed (status=None, signal=13)
And the other is that the session isn't being fully shutdown (specifically the session neatx.data file isn't being updated correctly) so the next connection tries to reconnect to it.
Signal 13 is SIGPIPE, meaning nxagent was trying to write to a pipe, but the far end closed.
I don't know why either of these are happening, i'll try and reproduce the problem here.
Comment #4
Posted on Sep 2, 2009 by Happy HippoJust for reference, the default sessions dir in my setup are at '/usr/local/var/lib/neatx/sessions/'
Comment #5
Posted on Sep 7, 2009 by Grumpy Lionfor me, session can be terminated because nxagent exits with code 127 (file not found - i still have to find out why...), and old session information is not cleaned up, preventing new sessions from being created. would be nice if old session information would be cleaned up properly always.
Comment #6
Posted on Sep 8, 2009 by Happy Rhino@taarp: if you can get me the full session logs for when that happens, i might have a chance of hunting down what's going on there. It sounds like the session isn't correctly marking itself as finished (or possibly isn't noticing that nxagent has exited at all), which will definitely screw things up.
Comment #7
Posted on Sep 8, 2009 by Happy Rhino@byungkyup - I've just noticed something, you're using nxclient 3.2.X. Neatx doesn't support any version other than 3.3.X. That could well be the cause of nxagent crashing like that.
Re: the session not being cleaned up, i did a bunch of work on improving the handling of child processes exiting in daemon.py a while ago, it doesn't look like you have those improvements. So i'd recommend getting an updated copy of the source from svn, and seeing if that helps. If not, the improved logging might give us more of a clue why.
Comment #8
Posted on Nov 2, 2009 by Happy RhinoI am having exactly the same problem. There's a "ghost" session that won't die.
When I try to log on, I get the following error:
NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 47638
NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command
NX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files
NX> 285 Setting the preferred NX options
NX> 200 Connected to address: on port: 22
NX> 202 Authenticating user: nx
NX> 208 Using auth method: publickey
HELLO NXSERVER - Version 3.3.0 - GPL
NX> 105 Hello nxclient - version 3.3.0
NX> 134 Accepted protocol: 3.3.0
NX> 105 Login
NX> 101 User:
NX> 102 Password: ******
/tmp/launch-TbX6Xj/: unknown host. (nodename nor servname provided, or not known)
NX> 103 Welcome to: megalodon.redrover.cornell.edu user: pgill
NX> 105 Listsession --user="pgill" --status="suspended,running"
--geometry="1440x900x32+render" --type="unix-gnome"
NX> 127 Session list of user 'pgill':
Display Type Session ID Options Depth Screen
Status Session Name
52 unix-gnome 25C5A2FF54B21EAB5603365C963074E9 -RD--PSA 24 1440x852
Suspended Megalodon
NX> 148 Server capacity: not reached for user: pgill NX> 105 Restoresession --link="adsl" --backingstore="1" --encryption="1" --cache="32m" --images="64m" --shmem="1" --shpix="1" --strict="0" --composite="1" --media="0" --session="megalodon" --type="unix-gnome" --geometry="1440x852" --client="macosx" --keyboard="query" --id="25c5a2ff54b21eab5603365c963074e9" NX> 500 Internal error NX> 999 Bye. NX> 280 Exiting on signal: 15
The directory /usr/local/var/lib/neatx/sessions/25C5A2FF54B21EAB5603365C963074E9 exists on the server, but when I try to delete this session, I get the following:
root@megalodon:/usr/local/var/lib/neatx/sessions# nxserver --force-terminate 25C5A2FF54B21EAB5603365C963074E9 NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: 3.3.0) NX> 500 Error: Session 25C5A2FF54B21EAB5603365C963074E9 could not be found. NX> 999 Bye
It seems like I'm in a fix where this session exists enough to mess things up, but it doesn't exist enough to be deleted cleanly.
Incidentally, just moving this directory doesn't solve the problem. On ther server, I tried:
root@megalodon:/usr/local/var/lib/neatx/sessions# mv ./25C5A2FF54B21EAB5603365C963074E9 25C5A2FF54B21EAB5603365C963074E9_old_and_broken root@megalodon:/usr/local/var/lib/neatx/sessions# nxserver --cleanup NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: 3.3.0) NX> 500 Error: No running sessions found. NX> 999 Bye root@megalodon:/usr/local/var/lib/neatx/sessions# nxserver --restart NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: 3.3.0) NX> 123 Service stopped NX> 122 Service started NX> 999 Bye root@megalodon:/usr/local/var/lib/neatx/sessions#
Then the client gets a slightly different error message:
NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 47684
NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command
NX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files
NX> 285 Setting the preferred NX options
NX> 200 Connected to address: on port: 22
NX> 202 Authenticating user: nx
NX> 208 Using auth method: publickey
HELLO NXSERVER - Version 3.3.0 - GPL
NX> 105 Hello nxclient - version 3.3.0
NX> 134 Accepted protocol: 3.3.0
NX> 105 Login
NX> 101 User:
NX> 102 Password: ******
/tmp/launch-TbX6Xj/: unknown host. (nodename nor servname provided, or not known)
NX> 103 Welcome to: megalodon.redrover.cornell.edu user: pgill
NX> 105 Listsession --user="pgill" --status="suspended,running"
--geometry="1440x900x32+render" --type="unix-gnome"
NX> 127 Session list of user 'pgill':
Display Type Session ID Options Depth Screen
Status Session Name
52 unix-gnome 25C5A2FF54B21EAB5603365C963074E9 -RD--PSA 24 1440x852
Suspended Megalodon
NX> 148 Server capacity: not reached for user: pgill NX> 105 Restoresession --link="adsl" --backingstore="1" --encryption="1" --cache="32m" --images="64m" --shmem="1" --shpix="1" --strict="0" --composite="1" --media="0" --session="megalodon" --type="unix-gnome" --geometry="1440x852" --client="macosx" --keyboard="query" --id="25c5a2ff54b21eab5603365c963074e9" NX> 500 Failed to load session NX> 105 NX> 280 Exiting on signal: 15
If only there were some way to cleanly remove a session. sigh
Comment #9
Posted on Nov 4, 2009 by Happy RhinoI've discovered a workaround. Every time you can't log on via neatx, you can change the name of a saved session on the client. This then gives the client the chance to create a new session.
You still can't remove the old sessions, but at least you can get a remote desktop again.
Comment #10
Posted on Dec 1, 2009 by Happy Rhino@patrick.robert.gill
There's something else going on there. If you run "which nxserver", what does it say? Neatx's nxserver doesn't accept those commands:
root@jaunty:~(1:0)# /usr/local/lib/neatx/nxserver --force-terminate asdasfd
nxserver [options]
nxserver: error: no such option: --force-terminate
It also shouldn't be in your path, as it's an internal command. I'm guessing you also have FreeNX installed on your system. As for cleaning up ghost sessions, deleting the contents of the neatx session dir should be enough (/usr/local/var/lib/neatx/sessions/).
Comment #11
Posted on Dec 1, 2009 by Happy RhinoI do have nxserver in my path; maybe I did try FreeNX at one time.
which nxserver /usr/bin/nxserver
You're right that cleaning up /usr/local/var/lib/neatx/sessions/ did the trick removing the ghosts.
Comment #12
Posted on Feb 16, 2010 by Swift LionHi, I though to circumvent the logout issue by having my own script being executed instead of the window manager logout. I wanted to execute nxdialog like that: nxdialog --dialog yesnosuspend --parent $PID --message "bla" --caption "bla"
The Terminate works nicely but the Disconnect does not. This is because in HandleSessionAction(agentpid, action) DISCONNECT and TERMINATE act on different PIDs. Would it be possible to use the agentpid also for DISCONNECT. I added a possbible solution.
Greeting, erazortt
- nxdialog.diff 449
Comment #13
Posted on Feb 19, 2010 by Happy Rhino@erazortt: Good idea. I took a look at the pid handling, and how nxagent calls nxdialog, and did a bit of cleanup. Patch out for review. Thanks for spotting that.
Comment #14
Posted on Feb 19, 2010 by Happy Rhino@erazortt: your issue should be fixed in http://code.google.com/p/neatx/source/detail? r=56
Comment #15
Posted on Feb 19, 2010 by Swift LionThere is no dialog anymore but there is the follwoing error message in /var/log/messages:
Feb 19 22:22:33 pcikf26 nxdialog[5468]: ERROR cli:68 Caught exception Feb 19 22:22:33 pcikf26 nxdialog[5468]: Traceback (most recent call last): Feb 19 22:22:33 pcikf26 nxdialog[5468]: File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/neatx/cli.py", line 62, in Main Feb 19 22:22:33 pcikf26 nxdialog[5468]: self.Run() Feb 19 22:22:33 pcikf26 nxdialog[5468]: File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/neatx/app/nxdialog.py", line 224, in Run Feb 19 22:22:33 pcikf26 nxdialog[5468]: if dlgtype in (constants.DLG_TYPE_PULLDOWN, Feb 19 22:22:33 pcikf26 nxdialog[5468]: AttributeError: 'NxDialogProgram' object has no attribute 'option'
I guess in file nxdialog.py line 225: constants.DLG_TYPE_YESNOSUSPEND) and not self.option.agentpid: should be: constants.DLG_TYPE_YESNOSUSPEND) and not self.options.agentpid:
Greets, erazortt
Comment #16
Posted on Feb 21, 2010 by Swift LionHi I just found another bug related to this:
Feb 21 01:06:41 pcikf26 nxdialog[18569]: ERROR cli:68 Caught exception Feb 21 01:06:41 pcikf26 nxdialog[18569]: Traceback (most recent call last): Feb 21 01:06:41 pcikf26 nxdialog[18569]: File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/neatx/cli.py", line 62, in Main Feb 21 01:06:41 pcikf26 nxdialog[18569]: self.Run() Feb 21 01:06:41 pcikf26 nxdialog[18569]: File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/neatx/app/nxdialog.py", line 254, in Run Feb 21 01:06:41 pcikf26 nxdialog[18569]: ShowYesNoSuspendBox(message_caption, message_text)) Feb 21 01:06:41 pcikf26 nxdialog[18569]: File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/neatx/app/nxdialog.py", line 166, in HandleSessionAction Feb 21 01:06:41 pcikf26 nxdialog[18569]: logging.info("Disconnecting from session, sending SIGHUP to %s", ppid) Feb 21 01:06:41 pcikf26 nxdialog[18569]: NameError: global name 'ppid' is not defined
Now I attached a patch for solving both problems.
- nxdialog.diff 889
Comment #17
Posted on Mar 5, 2010 by Happy RhinoHey, nxdialog was fixed in http://code.google.com/p/neatx/source/detail?r=59 , thanks.
Comment #18
Posted on May 4, 2010 by Happy Elephantheya,
I just wanted to check if this issue was still active, or not? Is it ok to Disconnect from NeatX?
I ask because I was just getting the "Internal error" message, as well as another one from another user "The NX service is not available ro the NX access was disabled on host ".
I've attached my /var/log/user.log
Cheers, Victor
Comment #19
Posted on May 4, 2010 by Grumpy BearI'm running into this issue with quite some frequency, on multiple systems. Deleting stale session files fixes it.
Comment #20
Posted on May 21, 2010 by Grumpy BearSame issue over here. Installed neatx on Ubuntu 10.04, did the "reboot" and can not log any more to remote PC. Removing session from /var/lib/neatx/sessions did the trick. After next reboot the problem remained. Client - NXClient for Win
Advice how to use http://code.google.com/p/neatx/source/detail?r=59 patch.
Comment #21
Posted on May 21, 2010 by Grumpy BearWhen "Disconnect"-ed properly, instead of just "sudo reboot", seems that session is closed properly and relogin works well.
Comment #22
Posted on May 27, 2010 by Swift CamelI've just started working with NeatX, and spent considerable time on this bug. My rough testing shows that under Ubuntu 10.04 for both client and server OS's that the NoMachine client is likely the culprit. nxclient_3.4.0-7_i386.deb
Connect to the server first time, launch program (terminal), and disconnect/suspend. Sometimes the server side shows "suspended" other times it's just "suspending" that will wait forever. Client app appears to exit normally. Looking at client side ps & netstat you'll see that nxssh stays connected to the ssh port of there server.
Connect again from the same client computer and if the server didn't get the session switched to "suspended" the connection will timeout since it can't resume.
On the client side now kill the running nxssh apps and you'll notice on the server side that the session now goes to "suspended". Try connecting with the client again and everything connects fine and resumes the session where left off.
You can repeat this over and over. Even sessions that terminate or suspend properly are still hanging with nxssh connected to port 22 on the server side.
Comment #23
Posted on May 27, 2010 by Happy Elephantheya,
Just thought I'd point out, I experienced this bug on the Windows NX Client as well.
Basically, clicking on Suspend, and it wouldn't reliably Resume the next time you tried to (had to delete sessions from /var/lib/neatx/sessions.
Cheers, Victor
Comment #24
Posted on May 27, 2010 by Swift CamelI wanted to post a followup to my comment above, post 22. (Want to thank Victor, as it was his post that pointed me at the client side connection hanging open.)
Not sure this is actually a client side issue afterall, but rather a problem with the ssh session disconnect. It's likely that the neatx isn't sending the proper signals for disconnect to the nxssh client. Normally I'd diagnose with wireshark, but being ssh that's not going to work.
I'm testing neatx under a virtualbox Ubuntu 10.04 desktop installation. Currently one virtual machine with NoMachine NXServer Free edition and the other with neatx. Both servers have ssh set to debug mode so I can see what's happening with the ssh connections. Both servers are a clone of the same base installation so that the only difference is which flavor of NX server is running.
Looking at server side logs shows nothing unusual or very different from each other. I've been specifically looking at the data just before and after I use Ubuntu's logout.
NXServer Free Edition: I can connect and disconnect from the client side cleanly everytime. There's never a hanging nxssh process on the client side when disconnecting from the NXServer free edition.
neatx: On the server side I see that once I request a disconnect from the service there is rarely a disconnect from the ssh service. Client side nxssh process just sits there forever, and I've given it up to 1 hour to die. If I kill the process on the client side then the server side logs show the disconnect, and then the connection is cleaned up and the session close is processed correctly it seems.
Unfortunately the nxclient doesn't seem to have a debug option, so it's hard to see what is going on with that side. The limited logs that are available for the client sessions seem to be nearly identical other than the notice of a terminated nxssh after waiting 2 minutes post screen logout. Actually those client side logs don't generally log anything about the connection closing.
If there are other troubleshooting methods to watch what's going I'd be wiling to give it a try.
Comment #25
Posted on May 27, 2010 by Swift ElephantComment deleted
Comment #26
Posted on May 27, 2010 by Swift ElephantTo sniff nxssh session you need to become a man-in-the-middle. The last time I did it was 10 years ago, so modern instruments should do it more easily. However, I could not find a Wireshark solution, but Ettercap seems to be just what you need http://ettercap.sourceforge.net/ dniff also claims to be capable of doing this thing. http://www.monkey.org/~dugsong/dsniff/
Comment #27
Posted on May 27, 2010 by Happy DogYou can record the SSH conversation by replacing the nx users' shell with a program that logs all input/output and executes the login program behind it. Socat (invoked in a shell script) can be used for this.
Comment #28
Posted on Jun 22, 2010 by Quick PandaI've got the same issue here.
I'm not sure it's a neatx problem as I've been unable to restore any session with both freeNX and neatX since upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04.
Using neatX I have the same error as reported in this thread. Cleaning the /var/lib/neatx/sessions directory solves the problem about creating a new session though.
My client is the nomachine windows client 3.4.0-7.
Comment #29
Posted on Jun 22, 2010 by Grumpy BearEven if it's the client that is leaving around old stale sessions, shouldn't neatx automatically clean them up rather than bailing? There must be a way to test if sessions are still live or not. Does anybody know what is actually wrong with the stale sessions?
Comment #30
Posted on Jun 25, 2010 by Happy Elephantheya,
Just experienced it again when one of my users couldn't log in.
Yeah, I have to agree with Luke, surely there's an alternative to just aborting like this?
Cheers, Victor
Comment #31
Posted on Jun 25, 2010 by Grumpy BearRight, if it tries to start up an old session and the session is stale, shouldn't it just start a new session? Does anybody know exactly where the failure is occuring?
Comment #32
Posted on Jun 29, 2010 by Grumpy RabbitI have the same problem on a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04 64bit.
Comment #33
Posted on Jun 30, 2010 by Helpful RhinoI have found a workaround for those using windows clients connecting to ubuntu 10.04 machines. If you "disconnect" the session instead of "terminating" it, it will not create a new session the next time you connect to the machine thereby mitigating the failure mode experienced here that is only remedied by deleting the contents of the session folder.
Comment #34
Posted on Jul 27, 2010 by Grumpy ElephantHi guis, I have found a workaround.
in my neatx.con:
xsession-path = /path/to/my/startgnomesession
Execute gnome session. This command exits only when user terminates the session.
/usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/gnome-session
waiting for gnome exit
sleep 1
NX_ROOT is the path to user session file.
delete it after 10 seconds
if [ "${NX_ROOT}" != "" ]; then sleep 10 && rm -rf "${NX_ROOT}" >/dev/null 2>&1 & fi
Neatx is a great project!
Comment #35
Posted on Sep 28, 2010 by Grumpy RhinoHello, I experience the same problem on Kubuntu 10.04 x86_64. Often deleting /var/lib/neatx/session/* (remote) and (local) ~/.nx/S-* helps. But this time it didn't. One major drawback of this workaround is that resuming a session never works and this is one of the main features that are great with NX.
I dumped some of the session information from the remote-host here. Hope this helps debugging the problem and is not against any policy here.
Thanks Chris
tux:/var/lib/neatx/sessions/5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E>ls C-tux.ded.mentorg.com-231-5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E neatx.data authority nxnode.sock cache-kde options tux:/var/lib/neatx/sessions/5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E>cat options nx/nx,fullscreen=0,product=Neatx-GPL,shpix=1,clipboard=both,render=1,composite=1 ,cache=16M,geometry=1440x851,accept=,client=linux,strict=0,cleanup=0,co okie=46E985F4F67E0E95F2664D381C38A500,resize=0,keyboard=pc105/de,images=64M,link =wan,type=kde,id=tux.ded.mentorg.com-231-5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E,backin gstore=1,shmem=1:231 tux:/var/lib/neatx/sessions/5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E>ls C-tux.ded.mentorg.com-231-5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E neatx.data authority nxnode.sock cache-kde options tux:/var/lib/neatx/sessions/5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E>ls C-tux.ded.mentorg.com-231-5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E authority cache-kde neatx.data nxnode.sock options tux:/var/lib/neatx/sessions/5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E>find . . ./neatx.data ./C-tux.ded.mentorg.com-231-5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E ./C-tux.ded.mentorg.com-231-5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E/errors ./C-tux.ded.mentorg.com-231-5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E/stats ./options ./nxnode.sock ./authority ./cache-kde
tux:/var/lib/neatx/sessions/5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E>cat ./C-tux.ded.mentorg.com-231-5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E/errors Loop: WARNING! Signals were not blocked in process with pid '13154'.
tux:/var/lib/neatx/sessions/5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E>cat ./C-tux.ded.mentorg.com-231-5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E/stats tux:/var/lib/neatx/sessions/5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E>cat ./neatx.data { "username": "cparg", "fullscreen": false, "rootless": false, "name": "Tux", "virtualdesktop": true, "geometry": "1440x851", "hostname": "tux.ded.mentorg.com", "state": "terminated", "id": "5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E", "port": 4231, "ssl": true, "screeninfo": "1440x851x24+render", "options": null, "cookie": "46E985F4F67E0E95F2664D381C38A500", "_updated": 1285698871.481848, "type": "unix-kde", "display": 231, "subscription": "GPL" } tux:/var/lib/neatx/sessions/5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E>cat options nx/nx,fullscreen=0,product=Neatx-GPL,shpix=1,clipboard=both,render=1,composite=1,cache=16M,geometry=1440x851,accept=,client=linux,strict=0,cleanup=0,cookie=46E985F4F67E0E95F2664D381C38A500,resize=0,keyboard=pc105/de,images=64M,link=wan,type=kde,id=tux.ded.mentorg.com-231-5BF57C43FB3B48DCD06251DA7524185E,backingstore=1,shmem=1:231
Comment #36
Posted on Sep 29, 2010 by Happy PandaI'm a big fan of Neatx on Ubuntu 10.04 x86. Normally I can reconnect to my sessions if the are cleanly disconnected. However every once in a while a session will have a problem with the client timeout before the connection can be established. I'm not sure if there are debug logs I could look at on the server? I have to do the server session cleanup to get things moving again.
Comment #37
Posted on Oct 26, 2010 by Grumpy BearHad a weird breakthrough with this: if sessions are "dead", sometimes they can be opened from one machine but not another. For example, on client A, I open a connection to server S, then later disconnect, go home, and re-connect to server S from client B (reconnecting to the same disconnected session). I leave this connection running all night long. For some reason the NXClient software crashes and when I wake up in the morning the window is gone. I try to reconnect to server S from client B, and it times out. I thought it was time to do the usual "ssh to server S then rm -rf /var/lib/neatx/session/*". However instead I went back to work and tried reconnecting from client A, and it reconnects fine. It is the same session in all cases, but somehow the combination of some staleness in /var/lib/neatx/session on the server and some brokenness on crashed client A seems to disallow reconnecting to the session, whereas client B can still reconnect.
Comment #38
Posted on Oct 29, 2010 by Grumpy PandaThe attached script seemed to solve this issue for me. I simply run it at then close of every session. Works great!
Comment #39
Posted on Oct 29, 2010 by Grumpy Bearmmdj4u: yes, but as I mentioned in Comment 37, the stale sessions are not always dead (sometimes they can be reached from one machine but not another). Removing the session directories kills them. Sometimes you really need to re-connect to an existing non-dead-but-somehow-stale session, not just kill it...
Also it's a shame that this is even a problem. Is anyone at Google still working on neatx?
Comment #40
Posted on Dec 24, 2010 by Happy RhinoI second the last comment. I need to be able to reliably connect back to a session that was previously started, not just blow it away.
I wish this were fixed, because I find that neatx is much more CPU friendly than nomachine's NX. (When I'm disconnected, from NX I have 15% cpu usage by NX_agent, when I use neatx, I don't have any CPU usage that registers more than 0 when I'm disconnected, though the processes in the disconnected session are using CPU.) I'm running a CPU intensive task on neatx and NX doesn't cut it for me.
Comment #41
Posted on Dec 24, 2010 by Happy RhinoI have found that sometimes you can reattach to the same "defunct" session from the same computer. I'm trying to discover what the trick is. At this point what I think I did that might have been relevant is to disconnect my VPN and use another one or maybe the same one. I also tried using QTNX instead of the nomachine client (unsuccessfully).
Comment #42
Posted on Dec 24, 2010 by Happy RhinoFurther testing indicates if I just disconnect the VPN and then reconnect it (same VPN), I can then reconnect to the "defunct" session.
Comment #43
Posted on Jan 6, 2011 by Happy RhinoI don't know if this is related, but sometimes when I am not using a VPN, and cannot reconnect, it claims it has timed out. When I suspend the machine I was trying to use to connect to it, upon wake up, I get a message saying that my connection was severed, and now I am disconnected, which is strange because I wasn't able to reconnect.
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