The goal of myLock is to provide missing user-customization over the balance between keyguarding, convenience, & overall security, as well as personalization options on the lockscreen. We have built it and optimized it using android 2.0 enhancements and have tested it on Droid and Nexus One devices, with those particular hardware configurations in mind.
Unfortunately, the android development team has continued to refuse to implement enhancements to the lockscreen interaction methods and instead (with android 2.2) are reducing their usefulness and versatility for use within SDK just to fit internal (Google) app functionality needs. myLock will not progress any further until the android team chooses to finish the missing componenents that will allow smooth lockscreen substitution. They are deliberately avoiding doing so and treating what's been implemented as an internal tool to help the phone and alarm/dock apps have more features.
As a result, development has been discontinued and will resume under a root-enabled version or at the time that android natively implements lockscreen substitution. Here's hoping for v3.0...
myLock brought the first Free & Open Source widget customizable replacement lockscreen built on android 2.0 SDK to the android market. You can now go buy one called WidgetLocker if you still want to use a widget lockscreen despite the reduction in usability brought about by the Froyo update, or buy my personal favorite, Executive Assistant by appventive.
Project Information
- License: GNU GPL v3
- 124 stars
- svn-based source control