This is a simple wizard to install multiseat systems. A multiseat refers to multiple users using one personal computer, each with their own console, consisting of a keyboard, a mouse and a monitor.
You can see an example of multiseat here:
This wizard lets you to configure:
- Screens resolution
- Keyboard and mouse per seat
- USB ports per seat
It uses Xephyr in order to get multiseat. Then it is focused to one video card with two or more outputs. See Hardware wiki:
- Install Ubuntu in your computer. Ubuntu, neither Kubuntu nor Lubuntu.
- Download this wizard from
- Connect your hardware, screens, keyboards and mices. Reboot your computer.
- Then run this asistant from your terminal:
sudo python
- Follow asistant:
Assistant should detect number of screens (seats) connected:
Select resolution of each screen:
Select keyboard and mouse for each seat. Suggestion, press next:
Connect a pendrive in each USB port (or same pendrive several times) and press refresh. Select a seat and use add to add this USB port to this seat:
- Then press apply and reboot your computer.
- There is a new user multiseat, select multiseat user, password multiseat. Select Multiseat session:
- Multiseat will start, be patience.
- User seat1, password seat1. User seat2, password seat2...
- That's all.
In order to shut down a multiseat computer. Close all seats sessions and press physical power off buttom (only one click). Computer will shut down normally.