| Operator | Summary |
| AssertCount
| Asserts that a source sequence contains a given count of elements. |
| Batch
| Batches the source sequence into sized buckets. |
| Concat
| Returns a sequence consisting of the head element and the given tail elements. This operator uses deferred execution and streams its results. |
| Consume
| Completely consumes the given sequence. This method uses immediate execution, and doesn't store any data during execution. |
| DistinctBy
| Returns all distinct elements of the given source, where "distinctness" is determined via a projection and the default eqaulity comparer for the projected type. |
| EquiZip
| Returns a projection of tuples, where each tuple contains the N-th element from each of the argument sequences. |
| ForEach
| Immediately executes the given action on each element in the source sequence. |
| Generate
| Returns a sequence of values consecutively generated by a generator function. |
| GenerateByIndex
| Returns a sequence of values based on indexes. |
| MaxBy
| Returns the maximal element of the given sequence, based on the given projection. |
| MinBy
| Returns the minimal element of the given sequence, based on the given projection. |
| Pad
| Pads a sequence with default values if it is narrower (shorter in length) than a given width. |
| Pipe
| Executes the given action on each element in the source sequence and yields it. |
| Prepend
| Prepends a single value to a sequence. |
| PreScan
| Performs a pre-scan (exclusive prefix sum) on a sequence of elements. |
| Scan
| Peforms a scan (inclusive prefix sum) on a sequence of elements. |
| SingleOrFallback
| Returns the single element in the given sequence, or the result of executing a fallback delegate if the sequence is empty. |
| TakeEvery
| Returns every N-th element of a source sequence. |
| ToDelimitedString
| Creates a delimited string from a sequence of values. The delimiter used depends on the current culture of the executing thread. |
| Trace
| Traces the elements of a source sequence for diagnostics. |
| Zip
| Returns a projection of tuples, where each tuple contains the N-th element from each of the argument sequences. |
| ZipLongest
| Returns a projection of tuples, where each tuple contains the N-th element from each of the argument sequences. |