
MoneyMine destina-se a controlar as despesas e receitas de uma residência ou indivíduo, de maneira fácil. Diferente do Excel/OpenOffice, já estão inclusas muitas funções importantes, sem a necessidade de escreve-las. Programa intuitivo. De fácil domínio.

MoneyMine is program intended to help the financial management of a home, an individual or a small business, in an easy way. Departing from other solutions as MS-Excel and's Calc, MoneyMine has some important functionalities built-in, citing as example automatic parcel placement for multiparcel debts, without the need of writing formulas or having deeper knowledge about spreadsheets. The program's main goal is to be the easiest and most intuitive software in its category, in a way that an user can have complete domain about how to use the program just by using it. MoneyMine intends to be the default money management application for the XFCE Desktop Environment, but it should work seamlessly in any environment.

Language: C++

Others tools: postgresql, Qt Design, Qt Creator