
A comprehensive, accurate and efficient solution for analysis of large scale base-resolution DNA methylation data

MOABS: MOdel based Analysis of Bisulfite Sequencing data

A comprehensive, accurate and efficient solution for analysis of large scale base-resolution DNA methylation data, bisulfite sequencing or single molecule direct sequencing.


MOABS seamlessly integrates alignment, methylation calling, identification of hypomethylation for one sample and differential methylation for multiple samples, and other downstream analysis.

Comprehensive Document

The PDF version is available at

The online HTML version created from 'latex2html' command is available at


The source code, prebuilt binary on x86_64 Linux system, and test data

Installation of prebuilt binaries

Download to /your/path/, Add the bin/ to your $PATH variable by command export PATH=/your/path/$PATH, Then use the prebuilt executables in bin/ ! Note the moabs path need be in front of $PATH because there is a system program named mcomp too.

Please do not move or copy mcomp to a different location because it need to read the database files in the same directory.

Installation from source codes

You need install the Perl module Config::Simple for the pipeline. This module is not required if you use individual modules.

cd make make install The make command will compile source files and generate system dependent dynamic binary executables. The make install command will overwrite the static binaries in with the dynamic ones.

You need also export PATH=/your/path/$PATH to use the command without involving full path.

If you encounter make errors, please contact us.

Fast Manual

One may go to the test/ and type moabs --cf mytestrun.cfg to get started if you have installed the Perl Config::Simple module. In addition, you may also directly use the binary for each individual function in the moabs-v1.2.3/bin/. In short, one may simply finish the whole processing of bisulfite data for two conditions by typing moabs --cf my_research_config_file or moabs -i wt_r1.fq -i wt_r2.fq -i ko_r1.fq -i ko_r2.fq


An example use of individual module mcomp

cd test/ ../bin/mcomp -r wt_r1.bam.G.bed,wt_r2.bam.G.bed -r ko_r1.bam.G.bed,ko_r2.bam.G.bed -m wildtype -m knockout -c comp.wiVar.txt --withVariance 1 -p 4

Cite Our Paper

Deqiang Sun, Yuanxin Xi, Benjamin Rodriguez, Hyun Jung Park, Pan Tong, Mira Meong, Margaret A Goodell and Wei Li. MOABS: model based analysis of bisulfite sequencing data. Genome Biology, 15 (2014)



The package is developed by Deqiang Sun. Please post any questions, suggestions or problems to the MOABS Discussion google group or send email to Deqiang Sun at

You are welcome to subscribe to the moabs MOABS Discussion google group for updates.

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Project Information

The project was created on Jun 12, 2013.

Bioinformatics Sequence Methylation Hydroxymethylation Bisulfite RRBS WGBS DMR DMC HMR Hypomethylation Differential