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AiEvolution BrainTheory SeedAi TimeLine


To say that AI Has Been Solved is a pithy, dramatic way of saying two things at once -- that the GrandChallenge of AI was a problem for the human intellect, and that a solution was found to the problem qua problem.


The development of an AI BrainTheory was the main component of the solution to AI, because nobody could build an AiMind without having a theory of how the mind works. Having solved AI in BrainTheory, MentiFex naively thought that all he had to do was tell the world about the solution, and forthwith one AiMind after another would get built by modern industrial society. What MentiFex was not counting on was the suppression of new ideas by the clubby AiEstablishment and the next-to-impossible difficulty of getting intelligent human beings to understand the complex solution-ideas that were vexingly difficult to come up with in the first place. The IndependentScholar MentiFex submitted the solution-in-theory to a series of scientific journals and was rejected by one journal after another for always a different reason. Since the initial rejection was for the solution being speculative, the last straw, that broke all patience with journals, was rejection by a journal calling itself "Speculations in Science and Technology." But when MentiFex, having solved AI on his own, decided to tell the world about it on his own with or without the help of journal editors, he then learned that Einstein was right in saying that new ideas are treated badly by mediocre minds.


It was a real CatchTwentyTwo, Joe. Everybody knew that AI was too hard a problem to solve, and so therefore, the more you insisted that you had solved AI, the more evidence you were displaying of your own pledge membership in the Kook-of-the-Month Club. MentiFex gradually realized that it was not enough to solve AI in theory; it was also necessary to solve AI in software -- with a working, thinking AiMind. So MentiFex set about coding Amiga MindRexx in July of 1993 and told UseNet about it in November of 1994 when the AiMind thought its first thought. Ho hum, was the response of the general InterNet -- except for the Forth programming community of CompLangForth on UseNet -- where there was a flurry of initial excitement.


After several false starts in Forth on the Amiga 1000 computer, MentiFex decided to spend the year 1998 translating (porting) MindRexx to MindForth. The creation of MindForth as TrueAi took not just one year, but ten years -- bringing us up to 2008. Meanwhile, however, most of the Forth community had given up on MentiFex and MindForth, making both entities the butt of jokes and the subject of MentifexBashing testimonials about what a NetKook MentiFex was.


Posted 1 Apr 2005 at 11:37 UTC by MentiFex

Mentifex writes that the sideways integration of sensory input with a conceptual mindgrid is the solution to artificial intelligence.

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