
Spatial metadata viewer.

This is an extremely simple metadata search site, consisting of a single page, your metadata xml files, some PHP libraries, some duct tape, and no small amount of swearing. The main features are:

  • Search metadata via whatever elements you like, or do a full text search.
  • Shows the latest adds/edits.
  • RSS feed for latest adds/edits.
  • Shows metadata in 3 different styles (summary, FGDC Classic, FGDC FAQ) and raw XML.
  • Shows map if WMS URL is in metadata.

To run it, you’ll need:

  • A web server with PHP enabled
  • The php_xsl and php_curl extensions enabled.

After placing the folder on your web server, to get things running:

  • Edit the path to your Metadata folder in mn_ini.php.
  • Dump your metadata XML files into the metadata folder (there are quite a few there you can use to test).

Originally created by Mecklenburg County GIS.

Project Information

GIS metadata