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marketbilling - issue #15

PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED intent with no signature app version doesn't match uploaded APK

Posted on Apr 13, 2011 by Swift Ox

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Install an APK on the device with a certain version number
  2. Upload a APK to the Android Market with a newer version number
  3. Attempt to restore transactions or purchase something on the device with the older app version

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

When the APK versions match I get PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED with a valid signature and signed data.

When they do not match, the user upon attempting to restore transactions gets PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED with null signature and signed data. The request returns with the result RESULT_DEVELOPER_ERROR. If a purchase is attempted, the user gets the message "This version of the application is not configured for market billing."

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?

Android 2.2.2 on Galaxy S (Samsung Vibrant) Using Dungeon example code. APK is signed with release certificate.

Please provide any additional information below.

This is unexpected but would be bad if updates to the Market APK break the ability for older versions of the app to engage in Billing activities.

Comment #1

Posted on Apr 13, 2011 by Swift Ox

FWIW - we're uploading the APK as draft (we haven't yet published a version which includes billing) but using live, published in-app product IDs.

Comment #2

Posted on Apr 20, 2011 by Massive Horse

Does the published (non-draft) version of you app have the billing permission?

I ran into this same issue where I was getting the RESULT_DEVELOPER_ERROR and I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. I finally realized that the application I was testing with had a versionCode the same as my published app version which did not have the billing permission. When I changed it to the versionCode of my draft APK that does have the billing permission, it worked.

I don't think the issue is with the older vs newer versionCode, I believe it's just that you have to test your in-app billing with a versionCode equivalent to one with the billing permission (whether draft or published).

Comment #3

Posted on Apr 21, 2011 by Quick Bird

The issue with ours was that it was one rev higher, both had the billing permission.

So the test case is: if I upload build 189 and run build 189, billing is fine.

Then, I upgrade my phone to build 190, but neglect to upload build 190 as a draft. We get RESULT_DEVELOPER_ERROR.

And the real issue, if I update the draft on the publisher site to 191, and leave the phone at 190, I get RESULT_DEVELOPER_ERROR (i.e., the test upgrade case is broken).

It's possible that this is a quirk in testing and of no consequence, but our fear in testing was that the upgrade case would be broken in production. if we did the same in the production case, we'd have users on 1.0 with in-app billing that, after we upgraded to 1.1, would not be able to purchase without upgrading their version of the app to 1.1.

Comment #4

Posted on May 31, 2011 by Happy Elephant

any further information developments here? i notice some applications in the store (robotek, most recently) seem top be able to upgrade and have both the old apk and the new apk use the billing service.

Comment #5

Posted on Jun 2, 2011 by Grumpy Wombat

It seems that if your running a differently signed version than the one published (or draft), then it returns a null signature. If you run a signed .apk locally, it returns with a signature. It kinda makes sense since the signatures don't match otherwise. Make debugging hard, though, since you need to sign the debug version each time you want to debug.

Comment #6

Posted on Nov 12, 2011 by Happy Bear

Hi ! So, what is the conclusion of this discussion? How to update an app which uses inapp billing? How to avoid that users who do not have updated to the last version get the "This version of the application is not configured for market billing" message ? Since April 2011, somebody found the answer? Thanks guys!!!!!

Comment #7

Posted on Sep 26, 2012 by Happy Ox

Almost a year later and this is still marked as a new defect? I'm having this same issue as well.

Comment #8

Posted on Oct 4, 2012 by Grumpy Bear

I am experiencing the same issue with the same description as explained in this Issue. I have tried it on device using Android 2.3.4 and 2.3.5 same result error message with dialog box. Can you please make the In-App Billing feature more robust and friendlier to developers?

Comment #9

Posted on Oct 21, 2012 by Quick Giraffe

This is a especially a problem for developers that use a build plugin to increment their Android VersionCode on each full build or each source control commit. Ie when you have a new version of the app on your phone you also need to push a (not necessarily published) version to the Developer Console.

Further exacerbating the problem is that even when you do push the new version to the DC you have about a 40 minute wait before that is visible to the Google Play app on the device. Just enough time to have a coffee and feed and compose this message.

This slows development .. lower the barriers please

Comment #10

Posted on Oct 29, 2012 by Quick Giraffe

Could the original poster please update the title so that it is clear that the real problem here is that purchasing cannot be tested unless the APK version that has been delpoyed to the Google Play is EXACTLY the same as that running on the device.

So that small iterations on the client can then cause large delays in testing as you wait for the updated APK to get rolled out to all the Google Play servers.

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium