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Source code can be obtained at Github: http://github.com/chikorita157/MAL-Client-OS-X
Are you frustrated that there is no MAL Client on Mac OS X and stuck with command line updating. MAL Client OS X will soon make it possible to update your profile from your desktop without logging into the MAL Website. Don’t let MAL Anime List take control of you, let you take control of your Anime List.
MAL Client OS X is programed in RealBasic, so it’s going to be native unlike the Adobe AIR clients out there and uses under 30 MB of memory (hopefully). The program itself is lightweight if you were to cut out the PPC/Intel code depending on what processor you are currently using. Unlike MAL Updater, this is a manual editing client, but the interface is easy to use so it wouldn’t be a hassle anyways. MAL Client OS X builds only in Carbon since RealBasic 2009 R4 only compiles in Carbon, although Cocoa support will be coming soon in the near future once Real releases the Cocoa version of RealBasic.
MAL Client OS X uses the http://mal-api.com/'>Unofficial MAL API. Report any issues or feature request at the MAL Client OS X Club.
View your List and Anime/Manga Information from your Desktop
You never need to launch the browser to look up information on a Anime Title. Use MAL Client OS X to look them up instantly
Look up information on Other Databases
Need more information on a series? You can look more information up by clicking “View in MAL.” With 0.3.4, you can find information on AniDB/Melative and also search for related files for the series on Tokyotosho.
Allows easy lookup on the basic information of an Anime/Manga Series. If you want to share the series with another person, you can send the title information and the MAL Page automatically to your mail client. Just add a message and the person to send it to and send the message.
Add/Edit Series from your Desktop
MAL Client OS X allows you to add series not on your list and even update them, without leaving your desktop and instantly. If you don’t like a series on your list, you can remove them from your list in a instant.
Search Titles Effortlessly
MAL Client OS X have basic search capabilities that allow you to easily search for the titles you want and view the information of them without needing to browse.
Universal and Native
MAL Client OS X is a Universal Application and will work on both PowerPC and Intel Macs. Also, it’s programed in RealBasic, allowing the program to run natively without massive memory usage.
Melative Updating
With 0.3, you can automatically update your status on Melative with the series you are watching with the anime series title, episode and the viewing status. In 0.3.6, you may post updates on any series without updating your MAL Status.
MAL Updater OS X GUI
Overhauled with 2.0 Beta 1. Now it's completely native.
Open Sourced
MAL Client OS X is licensed under the GPLv2, allowing anyone to make changes and improvements to the program
Project Information
- License: GNU GPL v2
- Content License: Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA
- 4 stars
- svn-based source control