Version 1.3.0
Version 1.2.0
- new interface IPagedTopicMap with following methods
- List:getAssociations(int, int)
- List:getAssociations(int, int, Comparator)
- long:getNumberOfAssociations()
- List:getTopics(int, int)
- List:getTopics(int, int, Comparator)
- long:getNumberOfTopics()
- new methods at IPagedConstructIndex
- List:getAssociations(int, int)
- List:getAssociations(int, int, Comparator)
- long:getNumberOfAssociations()
- List:getTopics(int, int)
- List:getTopics(int, int, Comparator)
- long:getNumberOfTopics()
- new getNumberOf... methods at paged indexes
Version 1.1.2
- Caching for MaJorToM (O)RDBMS Topic Map Store
- cached indexes
- MaJorToM (O)RDBMS Topic Map Store support for MySQL, H2
- new Method getBestLabel to get the best label for a topic item
- new Method getBestLabel with theme to get the best label for a topic item and prefer names with the given theme
- new Method getBestLabel with theme and strict to get the best label for a topic item and prefer names with the given theme or return nothing if strict is set and no scoped name exists
- new Method @ ITopicMapStore
- isCachingEnabled
- enableCaching
- new Method @Index clear to remove all cached entries
- rename method @TopicMapStoreImpl doModifyType(ITopic,ITopic) to doModifyTopicType(ITopic,ITopic)
- modify construct of WGS84Degree(String) ::= remove Orientation param
-> WGS84Coordinate has to call declareAsLongitude/Latitude
Version 1.1.1
- MaJorToM (O)RDBMS Topic Map Store
- new topic map store implementation supporting PostGreSQL databases
- persistence
- transaction and revision support
- Documenation for the usage of MaJorToM
- storage of meta information for each revision as simple key-value pairs