
Read out and delete tracklog data from Mainnav GPS devices under Linux and MacOSX

This tiny tool reads out and deletes tracklog data from mainnav gps devices either via USB or Bluetooth. The downloaded tracks are stored as GPX-files.

Currently works with:

  • Mainnav MG-600
  • Mainnav MW-705
  • Mainnav MG-910 "pictoGEO"
  • Mainnav MG-950d
  • Mainnav MG-950dl
  • Mainnav MG-950dm
  • QStarz BT-Q2000

If you have a GPS-device from Mainnav that is not listed here but does work with mainnav-reader, please let me know. If it doesn't work, but you're interested in getting it to work, you can contact me aswell.

For installation instructions, see the ReadMe wiki-page.

Project Information

gps gpx mainnav linux datalogger python usb bluetooth serial mac osx