
A Java tool and embeddable library for converting images into formats suitable for publishing as zoomable Web images.

MagickTiler is a Java library and utility for converting image files into formats suitable for publishing them as high-resolution, zoomable Web images.

MagickTiler also includes options for batch processing and quality control, supports a wide range of image input formats and the following output formats: * TMS tileset * Zoomify tileset * Google Maps tileset * Pyramid TIFF (PTIF)

Take a look at our slides for a detailed explanation of the supported tiling schemes.

MagickTiler uses GraphicsMagick to perform image manipulation (resizing, cropping, etc.) Therefore, you must also install GraphicsMagick from before using MagickTiler.

Using MagickTiler and want to tell us about it? Got a question? Want to join MagickTiler development? Get in touch!

MagickTiler is made available under the European Union Public Licence - EUPL v.1.1.

Project Information

Java Images Zoomify TMS Tiles ImageTiles PTIF OpenLayers GMAP