Note This page may be out of date. For more precise information, see help(pyhdfs) in python. The contents of this page are also generated by help(
rename(fs, oldpath, newpath) -> None
Rename a file (direcory)
exists(fs, path) -> True or False
Checks if a given path exsits on the hdfs
stat(fs, path) -> fileinfo(type, size, lastmodify, lastaccess)
Get information about a path
connect(host, port) -> fs
Connect to a hdfs file system
flush(fs, hdfsfile) -> None
Flush the data
close(fs, hdfsfile) -> True or False
Close a hdfs file
pread(fs, hdfsfile, offset[, size]) -> similar to read, read data from given position
seek(fs, hdfsfile, offset) -> True or False
Seek to given offset in open file in read-only mode
disconnect(fs) -> True or False
Disconnect from hdfs file system
open(fs, path[, mode[, bufsize[, replication[, blksiz]]]]) -> hdfs-file
Open a hdfs file in given mode ("r" or "w"), default is read-only
mkdir(fs, path) -> True or False
Make the given path and all non-existent parents into directories
write(fs, hdfsfile, str) -> byteswritten
Write data into an open file
tell(fs, hdfsfile) -> int
Get the current offset in the file, in bytes. -1 is returned on error
listdir(fs, path) -> stats
Get list of files/directories of a given directory-path. Returns a list of dict object containing {kind, name, last_mod, size, replication, block_size, owner, group, permissions, last_access}
get(fs, rpath, lpath) -> None
Copy a file from hdfs to local
read(fs, hdfsfile[, size]) -> read at most min(2M, size) bytes, returned as a string
If the size argument is <=0 or omitted, read at most 2M bytes. When EOF is reached, empty string will be returned
getcwd(fs) -> path
Return a string representing the current working directory.
put(fs, lpath, rpath) -> None
Copy a file from local to hdfs
utime(fs, path, modtime, actime) -> True or False
Change file last access and modification times
chdir(fs, path) -> True or False
Set the working directory. The `path' can be a non-exist directory. All relative paths will be resolved relative to it.
delete(fs, path) -> None
Delete a file (directory)