
Cross Platform Fixed Point Maths Library

This is a tried and tested cross platform fixed point maths library.

It has been used in projects such as: * Dingoo SDK * AstroLander (Included in Dingoo SDK) * FGL: Flatmush/Fixed-point Graphics Library

This library implements the math.h functions in fixed point (16.16) format, a subset of the currently supported functions are: * sin, cos, tan * asin, acos, atan, atan2 * sqrt, exp * mul, div * sadd, ssub, smul, sdiv (saturated arithmetic)

I related library libfixmatrix which utilises libfixmath for matrix operations can be found here:

Project Information

Library FixedPoint Maths Algorithm Trigonometry SquareRoot Saturated DSP ArcTangent atan Microcontroller sin cos sqrt approximation