This is a minecraft server project, if you would like to join us please email me at admin@glscripting.org this is a minecraft server implemented in C# from ground up we are trying to introduce bukkit plugin system in to our C# server the bukkit will be in .net but we can convert bukkit and all the plugins to .net form java using a library we have We are also going to try to include object scripting.
This weeks release includes all of before release plus more stable code this does not include the bukkit plugin we have been working on since it is no were near ready or even usable but this build includes Saving and loading the world and chat commands have been fixed API Documentation will be included in the wiki in less than 2 weeks.
PLEASE VIEW OUR WIKI for the plugin system, http://code.google.com/p/lib-open-craft/wiki/PluginSystem our plugin system dynamically loads .dll files with the namespace/name of LibOpenCraft.something.dll Please enjoy using our system and remember that you can drop as much modules as you want in, even if it's running it will rebuild the cache for modules and run the module or you can even delete it while it's running.
IRC Channel: #libopencraft @ http://webchat.freenode.net/ OR host: rowling.freenode.net
We would like to give acknowledgement to the team that keeps http://wiki.vg/Protocol#Protocol_History up to date, without it we would not have a proper networking structure to look at.