
Layout-Aware Text Extraction from Full-text PDF of Scientific Articles


If you use LA-PDFText in your project, please cite us as follows: * Ramakrishnan, C., A. Patnia, E. Hovy and G. Burns (2012). "Layout-Aware Text Extraction from Full-text PDF of Scientific Articles." Source Code for Biology and Medicine 7(1): 7. []


Please note that the main site where we will be taking this code forward from is GitHub (including additional annotation tools and systems, digital library aspects etc). We therefore direct developers with an interest in the underlying source code to the following site:


Please note that in all other ways, future system development will be transferred to the GitHub site.

Project Information

The project was created on Mar 15, 2011.

  • License: GNU GPL v3
  • 51 stars
  • svn-based source control

Academic PDF textmining