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krank - SeamAndCrankInjectingFromSpring.wiki

Because of the Variable resolver we added to faces-config, we can simple inject any Spring bean using


and here is a example of where I use it.. enjoy

``` @Name("crudBacking") @Scope(ScopeType.SESSION) @AutoCreate public class CrudBacking {

Map<String, JsfCrudAdapter<? extends Serializable, ? extends Serializable>> cruds;

Map<String , FilterablePageable> paginators;

public JsfCrudAdapter<? extends Serializable, ? extends Serializable> getEmployeeCrud() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
    final JsfCrudAdapter<? extends Serializable, ? extends Serializable> adapter = cruds.get(CrudUtils.getClassEntityName(Employee.class));
    Serializable temp = adapter.getController().getEntity();
    temp = adapter.getController().getEntityClass().newInstance();
    adapter.getController().addCrudControllerListener(new CrudControllerListener() {

        public void afterCancel(CrudEvent event) {

        public void afterCreate(CrudEvent event) {

        public void afterDelete(CrudEvent event) {

        public void afterLoadCreate(CrudEvent event) {

        public void afterLoadListing(CrudEvent event) {

        public void afterRead(CrudEvent event) {

        public void afterUpdate(CrudEvent event) {

        public void beforeCancel(CrudEvent event) {

        public void beforeCreate(CrudEvent event) {

        public void beforeDelete(CrudEvent event) {

        public void beforeLoadCreate(CrudEvent event) {

        public void beforeLoadListing(CrudEvent event) {

        public void beforeRead(CrudEvent event) {

        public void beforeUpdate(CrudEvent event) {

        private void createThumbNail(final Employee employee) {
            // Need to create the ThumbNail;
            try {
                PersistedFile picture = employee.getPicture().getPicture();
                byte[] thumbNailBytes = ImageUtil.getThumbNail(picture.getBytes(), picture.getContentType(),32);
                byte[] thumbNailBytesBig = ImageUtil.getThumbNail(picture.getBytes(), picture.getContentType(),64);
                PersistedFile thumbNail = new PersistedFile();
                thumbNail.setName("t" + picture.getName());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    return adapter;

public JsfCrudAdapter<? extends Serializable, ? extends Serializable> getUserGroupCrud() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
    final JsfCrudAdapter<? extends Serializable, ? extends Serializable> adapter = cruds.get(CrudUtils.getClassEntityName(UserGroup.class));
    return adapter;

@Factory(autoCreate=true , value="userCRUD")
public JsfCrudAdapter<? extends Serializable, ? extends Serializable> getUserCrud() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
    final JsfCrudAdapter<? extends Serializable, ? extends Serializable> adapter = cruds.get(CrudUtils.getClassEntityName(User.class));
    return adapter;


And you can use any of these as normal in your facelets file.


    <a4j:form id="employeeListingForm">
        <rich:messages infoClass="infoClass" errorClass="errorClass"
            layout="table" />

        <crank:listing jsfCrudAdapter="${employeeCRUD}"
            parentForm="employeeListingForm" />
