
Organize the events for your Java User Group

JUG Events started as a demo for the meta-framework Parancoe. Then some functionalities has been added and it has been deployed as a free sevice on http://www.jugevents.org.

JUG Events is a tool for helping the JUG
leaders, and in general the JUG representatives, to organize the events of their JUGs. It's not merely a tool for promoting the events: the main promotional tools for a JUG are its web site and its mailing-list. We think events of JUGs don't need a central aggregator. JUG are mainly local entities:
a person interested on an event, for Example, in Padova in Italy will never (or rarely) search it on java.net.

So, to the events attendants, JUG Events provides:

  • search of events in their country area (by continent, country and JUG name)
  • easy registration, if needed, to the event. No account management barrier: just provide an email for confirmation.
To the event organizers (JUG representatives) mainly:

  • publish the event of your JUG
  • expose your events through RSS
  • expose your events in your own site through a customizable web badge
  • manage the participant list (add a participant, mark a registered participant as present, export the participant list in various formats)
  • send the PDF certificate to participants (to a single registered participant or to all present participants)
There is also a small section for "JUG services". At present there is only a proof-of-concept service that produce, using the JUG Events database, a KML file similar to the one of the JUG International map. The intention is to use JUG Events as information source for JUGs, so if you have an idea for a service you need, and you think JUG Events could provide it, propose it.

Project Information

Java JUG events