Javascript Sockets use the Socket functionality available in flash, and through an ExternalInterface with an swf embedded in a page, provide the ability to program sockets with javascript
To install and run jssockets, checkout the code with
svn checkout http://jssockets.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ jssockets-read-only
You need to be served the page through a server, so either checkout in
localhost or upload the files to your webserver. then view
http://localhost/jssocket/ (or whatever server you uploaded to)
jssocket.swf is the only thing required, add the swf to the page, using standard embed mode or swfobject, when the swf loads it will make a call to the function
function jssocket_init()
Once this function is called, you can now communicate with the swf. communication with the swf works by calling functions from the swf object on the page, The method of retrieving the object varies depending on how it was embedded, using swfobject below works
_jssocket = document.getElementById("mymovie");
Below is the functions you can call on the swf.
_jssocket.setCallBack(event, callback);
Below are the callbacks you can define, these are the functions the swf will call when certain events happen,
_jssocket.setCallBack("connect", "soc_connect");
_jssocket.setCallBack("recieve", "soc_msg");
_jssocket.setCallBack("ioerror", "soc_error");
To develop the socket swf you need to have the flex compiler installed. to compile a new swf, simply type
mxmlc JsSocket.mxml
Project Information
- License: New BSD License
- 28 stars
- svn-based source control