Info for Project Members
- Please send all patches to before submitting. Thanks!
Development Dependencies
For running JSON template, the Python and JavaScript versions are self-contained files.
The tests depend on the taste test framework, which is available here:
for how to set PYTHONPATH
If you're not using Python 2.6 or later, you will need to obtain simplejson. The tests should work with Python 2.4+.
For people who don't want to install simplejson as a system library, you can use virtualenv.
No dependencies except a Python interpreter (Python 2.4+).
JythonSee comment on ImplementationNotes -- it has been tried with Jython 2.5b3.
The sample v8 shell is used to run JavaScript tests without a browser. I think the command to build it is something like scons sample=shell
There are also generated JavaScript browser tests generated by javascript/
See the README.