
Pure Java SOCKS client and server mirrored from the sourceforge project

Implements RFC1928 SOCKS protocol in both server and client form. Pure Java implementation that is easy to understand and easy to modify.

Some features: 1. RFC1929 SOCKS 5 Auth 1. SOCKS4 protocol 1. Client code supports ATYP = 3 (DNS remote resolution). 1. Full server implemenation. Its easy to create SOCKS servers that have custom authentication and firewall mechanisms. This is a great way to write custom VPN type software:

This is a mirror from the JSOCKS sourceforge project. That project has had no updates since 2000. If I can get a hold of Kirill, I will delete this project.

Google has made updates and is using this mirror to distribute our changes per the LGPL. Overall though, I hope we can continue to move this project forward.

Some changes Google has made: * Java style package names * Fixes to SOCKS client to support JDK 1.4 sockets concept of "connect()" * Log 4J logging instead of system.out. * Better logging statements through the ProxyServer class.

Original JSOCKS Sourceforge Project Page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jsocks/

Original JSOCKS homepage: http://jsocks.sourceforge.net

Original JSOCKS homepage text:


It is a SOCKS server written entirely in Java, which supports both SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 protocols. This software is distributed under GNU Lesser General Public License, meaning that both binary and source code are freely available and can be modified an distributed.

I would not bother you with long list of things I'm not
responsible for. Let me just say, that you are using this program on your
own risk, and it is not me to blame if anything doesn't work as you expected.
I tried my best, but it is up to you to check if it works as you wish it
to, the source code is there, so you can correct whatever you don't like.

Update Information

Current version is 1.01. Proxy have been rewised and there are some changes
to the Socks Library. New features have been
added to the proxy server itself, well at least one

  • Now it is possible to use this proxy from behind another proxy.
  • Also proxy chaining is introduced, it allows you to configure the proxy
    to connect through a series of proxies before reaching the desired host:
    proxy1-> proxy2->...proxyN->desired_host. It is a strange feature but might
    be useful in some situations.

Some bug fixes have been done, it is now possible to use ICQ with this
proxy server.

How to download

Source code pre compiled class files an documentation are all available
for download. All of them are compressed using jar utility, which
is part of the standard JDK distribution from SUN. The format is compatible
with the one used by pkzip and Winzip programs, so you can use those programs
to decompress these files.

compiled class files - class files, configuration and batch files to
run proxy server.

code - Complete source code for SOCKS proxy and some other programs
which use socks package.

documentation - Documentation for socks package, for those who want
to use it.

Online Documentation - Online version
of the SOCKS documentation.

What this Server is good for?

Well, it is a not a commercial proxy server. It does not have plenty of
features like address caching. Authentication scheme is rather simplistic,
but can be extended, if you know how to program in Java. It is java application
after all, which gives platform independence but at the cost of performance.
But it is simple to install and use.

It is assumed that the socks library itself is more useful to most developers,
rather than a simple server which uses the library. If you are a developer
and want your applications to have support for SOCKSv5 protocol, you might
find useful visiting Socks Library page.


SocksEcho is another application which uses socks package. It
is GUI echo client, which is SOCKS aware, you can make and accept connections
through the proxy using this client. You can also send datagrams through
SOCKS5 proxy. I have used it a lot for testing. This application is also

How to Install

First download pre compiled class files, and unzip the socks_bin.zip this
will create a directory called socks. See README.html in this directory
for further instructions.


In order to run these application you will need Java Virtual Machine which
supports Java 1.1 or higher. I have tested it with jdk1.1.6 and jdk1.2.2
under Windows95 and on jdk1.1.5 under Solaris. Server application might
be able to run even under java 1.0, but I haven't tested this.



I would like to thank people at http://sourceforge.net'>SourceForge

for the great services they provide to open source community.

Project Information

Java SOCKS Proxy Network jsocks