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jslibs - jslibsBuild.wiki


This page describes the procedure to build jslibs on Linux and Windows platforms.

Linux Compilation

using make

This method use libraries provided in jslibs/libs directory.


You need to install the following tools to download and build jslibs: * Python * zip * subversion (to download source files) optional * gcc and g++ 3 or 4 * GNU make 3.8+ * -or- build-essential * patch (needed to compile libtomcrypt) * autoconf2.13 (needed to compile the JavaScript engine) * automake 1.8.2+ (needed to compile ode) optional * libtool 1.5.22+ (needed to compile ode) optional * gcc-4.1-multilib (needed to compile on 64-bit platforms) optional * pkg-config (required by glib configure) * gettext (required by glib configure)


  1. svn checkout http://jslibs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ jslibs
  2. cd jslibs
  3. make all
  4. make copy

This command will compile jslibs and copy binaries in ./<YOUR_OS_NAME>/ directory.


  • cd <YOUR_OS_NAME>
  • ../qalaunch.sh

using waf

This method uses libraries installed on your system.


  • Same prerequisite as using make
  • All external libraries (Debian-based names).
    • apt-get install libfreetype6-dev
    • apt-get install libpng12-dev
    • apt-get install libjpeg62-dev
    • apt-get install libnspr4-dev
    • apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
    • apt-get install libtomcrypt-dev
    • apt-get install libfcgi-dev

( apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg62-dev libnspr4-dev libsqlite3-dev libtomcrypt-dev libfcgi-dev )


  1. svn checkout http://jslibs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ jslibs
  2. cd jslibs
  3. ./waf configure
  4. ./waf build

Quick test

``` ./waf install --destdir jslibs_inst LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/jslibs_inst/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH PATH=$PWD/jslibs_inst/usr/local/bin:$PATH /bin/sh


Windows Compilation


You need to install the following tools to download and build jslibs: * Visual C++ 9 SP1 (VS2008) Express or Professional * Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 * Latest MozillaBuild package) (info) * optional Microsoft DirectX SDK (needed to compile jsaudio only)


  1. check and configure paths in jslibs\build.cmd


  1. svn checkout http://jslibs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ jslibs
  2. cd jslibs
  3. build.cmd
  4. type build.sh


  • dir .\Win32_opt\*.*


  • qalaunch.cmd