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  • jshost - command line JavaScript runtime.
  • jswinhost - Windows JavaScript runtime.


  • jslang - Common classes used by other jslibs modules.
  • jsstd - Basic functions set.
  • jsdebug - Basic debugging and introspection tools.
  • jsobjex - Hierarchical data storage tool.
  • jsio - File and socket support based on NSPR (Netscape Portable Runtime) library.
  • jssqlite - Database support based on SQLite.
  • jsz - Data compression support using zlib.
  • jsffi - foreign function interface support.
  • jscrypt - complete cryptographic toolkit based on libtomcrypt library.
  • jswinshell - Basic Windows shell functions support.
  • jsfastcgi - fastcgi protocol support.
  • jsode - Rigid body dynamics management based on ODE (Open Dynamics Engine).
  • jsaudio - Support 2D and 3D sound source and listener using OpenAL library.
  • jssound - Support various sound format using libsndfile and libvorbis librarye.
  • jsgraphics - 3D graphics management using OpenGL API.
  • jsimage - png and jpg image codec using libjpeg and libpng librarys.
  • jsfont - Support text to image rendering using FreeType library.
  • jsprotex - Procedural texture generator.
  • jssvg - render Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to an image buffer.
  • jssdl - wraps the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library API.
  • jstask - manage simultaneous JavaScript function execution using threads.
  • jsjabber - manage XMPP protocol (Jabber Instant Messaging).
  • jsiconv - conversion between different character encoding.
  • jstrimesh - manage triangle based 3D objects.

Notational Conventions

myModule::MyClass class MyParentClass class


  • myReturn type MyFunction( myArgument, myOtherArgument [, myOptionalArgument] )

    The functions description. myReturn type is the type of data returned by the function


    myArgument is the first argument of my function.


  • myProperty

    The property description

  • myReadOnlyProperty http://jslibs.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/readonly.png


Static functions

A static function is only available on the class itself (not its instance) like Math.cos(1,23)

Static properties

A static function is only available on the class itself (not its instance) like Math.PI



Callback functions



My example of use of this class.
