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Using Inline Doc Comments

It is possible to add documentation to a function (including a constructor or method) to indicate its parameter type(s) and its return type, using special inline doc comments. For example, consider the following example:

/** @param {String} name @type Array */ function getPerson(name) { }

The above example could be written using inline doc comments instead, like so:

function getPerson(/**String*/ name) /**Array*/ { }

Multiple parameter comments are allowed:

function getPerson(/**String*/ name, /**City*/ birthplace) { }

If you have a standard doc comment that refers to parameters, the type information from the inline comment will be merged with it.

/** @param name The name of the person. */ function getPerson(/**String*/ name) { }

If you provide type information in both the standard comment and the inline comment, the type information in the standard comment will take precedence over the inline comment.

/** @param {NameObject} name The name of the person. */ function getPerson(/**String*/ name) { }

See Also

  • The @param tag.