
jscrypto: A JavaScript Cryptography Library


This library is an object oriented cryptography library that implements several fundamental cryptographic algorithms including AES, SHA-1, HMAC, BASE64, RSA, ECC and IBE for JavaScript. This library works in ActionScript as well.

A demo application based on jscrypto is available at WebIBC.


  • Performance heavily enhanced.
  • Object oriented architecture, with a single namespace, and you can extend the framework with your own algorithms.
  • Support Init, Upate, Final pattern for bulk data processing for most algorithms.
  • Parllellized computing, even long term operation will not block the browser.
  • Support a key storage interface, with multiple implementations.
  • Support local file system access, users can upload a local file into the browser DOM tree and then processed with jscrypto algorithms.

Supported Cryptography Algorithms

  • Symmetric encryption: AES, DES, 3DES,
  • Encryption mode: ECB, CBC, CTR,
  • Digest algorithm: SHA-1, SHA256,
  • Message Authentication Code (MAC): HMAC, CBCMAC, CMAC
  • Random number generator (RNG): FIPS186, X9.17,
  • Public key cryptography: RSA, DSA, ECC, CPK, IBE


``` var cipher = jscrypto.aes; var key = 'password'; var iv = 'initialvector'; var encryptor = new jscrypto.cbcmode.encryptor(cipher, key, iv); var ctext = new Array();

ctext.concat(encryptor.update('hello')); ctext.concat(encryptor.update('world')); ctext.concat(encryptor.final());



Project Information

JavaScript Cryptography Security