
JRedis - Java Client for Redis


NOTE: JRedis is maintained at Github -- current contact info is alphazero@sensesay.net. Thanks, Google, and goodbye!

Project links

Project Updates

Until 2.0.0 final release some API changes may be inevitable. Classic JRedis API/semantics will not be affected. API will be augmented.

(If you are using internal components to roll your own clients the changes may have substantial impact.)

You'll need to follow either the master branch on github, or, visit the JRedis google group (or follow me on twitter)

Current Master

2.0.0 Compatible.

(Full feature set support within the next couple of weeks). 2.0.0 compatible (github)

Current Release

1.0 RC2

Full compliance with Redis version 1.2.6 and command set (except SYNC/MONITOR). Synchronous and Asynchronous semantics, and a selection of connector types ranging from single threaded client to multiplexing pipeline.

See release announce for details.

(Note the 1.0-RC2 is ONLY for Redis 1.2.n servers. You will need to build from "master" branch source for Redis 1.3.n/2.0 Redis compatible JRedis builds.)

Release Notes:

Release client lib (binary only)


Release Project Archives


Note: SVN repo under google code is dated & obsolete:

Quick Start

Many thanks to the folks at ej-technlogies for their support of the JRedis project. This project uses JProfiler, which provides constructively informative insights and quantitative performance measures of the runtime characteristics of JRedis connectors. ausgezeichnet!


(image made with wordle)

Project Information

Redis Java networking database connector