
Comet Streaming JavaScript Library

jQuery Stream

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makes it easier to use two-way communication with browser-based applications and provides the unified two-way communication interface over !WebSocket and HTTP protocol.

jQuery Stream

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does not rely on any specific server-side technology and third-party plugin-in, so can be used with any server-side technology supporting asynchronous processing. jQuery Stream

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is compatible with Internet Explorer 6.0+, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome.

With jQuery Stream

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, you can easily develop event-driven web application.



The project is moved to github and renamed to Portal but Portal reached end-of-life and absorbed into Vibe but Vibe is renamed to Cettia.

So, go to Cettia! http://cettia.io

Cettia doesn't depend on any JavaScript library.

Project Information

The project was created on May 5, 2011.

comet cometclient jQuery stream javascript httpstreaming websocket reverseajax serverpush hiddeniframe xmlhttprequest xdomainrequest