jQuery modalBox is a simple jQuery plugin that provides a multiple customizable modal dialog. This Plugin is written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library and shows inline content, content served through AJAX and single images.
- Requires jQuery v1.7.1 or later
- Take a look at the demo page.
1. Integration
Include the following script and stylesheet in your head of your HTML-Document:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.modalbox.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.modalbox-1.5.0-min.js"></script>
For own translations bind following script block. The default locale is english. ```
/* Ihre Anfrage wird verarbeitet.', errorMessageIfNoDataAvailable : 'Keine Inhalte verfügbar!', errorMessageXMLHttpRequest : 'Ein technischer Fehler (XML-Http-Request Status "500") verhindert den Aufruf der Seite.Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal', errorMessageTextStatusError : 'Ein technischer Fehler (AJAX-Anfrage fehlgeschlagen) verhindert den Aufruf der Seite.
Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal' } }; /* ]]> */
2. Initialization
The default initialization is set by the class "openmodalbox" triggered on an element:
<a class="openmodalbox" href="javascript:void(0);">
<span class="modalboxContent">
My Custom Content...
Initialize custom Elements: ```
/* */Demolink My Custom Content... ```
Initialization of modalBox with optional parameter options: ```
/* */```
Show hidden Content
Example 1 ``` Demolink
Test Modalbox
Identius, ora Disicio... Click here Click again
Example 2 ```
Test Modalbox
Identius, ora Disicio...
Test Modalbox
Identius, ora Disicio... /* */
Via input hidden field "ajaxhref"
<a class="openmodalbox" href="javascript:void(0);">
<input type="hidden" name="ajaxhref" value="testinclude.php?test=tester" />
Via Attribute "rel"
<a class="openmodalbox" rel="ajax:testinclude.php?test=tester" href="javascript:void(0);">
forms / the form submit button can be the type "submit/button/image" ```
Reload Ajax Content in modal layer / requires jQuery v1.3.2 or later
Case: you have initialized a modalBox where you want to reload content again. ``` Reload content from ajaxhref
Reload hidden content
Test - reload hidden content
Identius, ora Disicio... ```
Via Attribute "href" / Image Only:
<a class="openmodalbox" href="demopicture_kalexis_newzealand_6930.JPG">
Via Attribute "href" / Linked Image:
<a class="openmodalbox" href="demopicture_kalexis_newzealand_6930.JPG?link[http://www.yourlink.com]">
Via Attribute "rel" / Image Only:
<a class="openmodalbox" href="javascript:void(0);" rel="demopicture_kalexis_newzealand_6930.JPG">
Via Attribute "rel" / Linked Image:
<a class="openmodalbox" href="javascript:void(0);" rel="demopicture_kalexis_newzealand_6930.JPG?link[http://www.yourlink.com]">
Custom close button
``` Close Modalbox
Custom Close Button / Other```
Call a custom function before layer will be shown
``` Demolink
/* */```
Call a custom function after layer is shown
``` Demolink
/* */```
Call a custom function before layer will be closed
``` Demolink
/* */```
Call a custom function after layer is closed
``` Demolink
/* */```
Special functionalities
Initializes a modalBox from any javascript function.
Direct call via "source" (AJAX) ```
/* */```
Direct call via "data" (push static content) ```
' } }); }); /* ]]> */```
Direct call via "element" (get content from HTML Element) ```
Test content /* */```
Direct call via "image" (get content from HTML Element) ```
/* */```
Method "close". Close the modalBox from everywhere. ```
/* */```
Method "center". Repositioning the modalBox. ```
/* */```
Optional parameter options
* type: string
* default value: 'black'
* options: white, black, disable
* type: array/string
* default value:
1. white: 'background-color:#fff; filter:alpha(opacity=60); -moz-opacity:0.6; opacity:0.6;'
1. black: 'background-color:#000; filter:alpha(opacity=40); -moz-opacity:0.4; opacity:0.4;'
1. transparent: 'background-color:transparent;'
1. custom: null
* description: define the opacity and color of fader layer here
* type: boolean
* default value: true
* options: true, false
* type: boolean
* default value: true
* options: true, false
* type: integer
* default value: 50
* description: sets the minimum space between modalbox and visible area in the browser window
* type: string
* default value: '<div class="modalboxStyleContainerTopLeft"><div class="modalboxStyleContainerTopRight"><div class="modalboxStyleContainerContent">'
* description:
* type: string
* default value: '</div></div></div><div class="modalboxStyleContainerBottomLeft"><div class="modalboxStyleContainerBottomRight"></div></div>'
* description:
* type: string
* default value: '#modalBox'
* description:
* type: string
* default value: '#modalBoxBody'
* description:
* type: string
* default value: '.modalBoxBodyContent'
* description:
* type: string
* default value: '#modalBoxFaderLayer'
* description:
* type: string
* default value: '#modalBoxAjaxLoader'
* description:
* type: string
* default value: '.closeModalBox'
* description:
* type: string
* default value: '#modalBoxCloseButton'
* description:
* type: string
* default value: '.modalboxContent'
* description:
* type: string
* default value: 'ajaxhref'
* description:
* type: string
* default value: '#modalboxPreCacheContainer'
* description:
* type: string
* default value: '.modalBoxImageLink'
* description:
* type: string
* default value: '.modalBoxImageNoLink'
* description:
* type: integer
* default value: null
* description: set the the outher width of modalbox container
* type: string
* default value: null
* description: add a custom class to the outher DIV-Container
* type: integer
* default value: null
* description: set the left position of modalbox
* type: integer
* default value: null
* description: set the topposition of modalbox
* type: array
* default value: ['fade', 'fast']
* options: ['show'] or ['fade', 'fast']
* type: array
* default value: ['fade', 'fast']
* options: ['hide'] or ['fade', 'fast']
* type: array
* default value: ['show']
* options: ['show'] or ['fade', 'fast']
* type: array
* default value: ['hide']
* options: ['hide'] or ['fade', 'fast']
* type: string
* default value: 'POST'
* description: define the type of ajax request to make "POST" or "GET"
* type: string
* default value: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'
* description: set the charset of ajax request
* type: function
* default value: function(){ return true; }
* description: call a custom function before layer will be shown. return value must be "true" to finalize modal layer
* type: function
* default value: function(){}
* description: call a custom function after layer is shown
* type: function
* default value: function(){}
* description: call a custom function before layer will be closed
* type: function
* default value: function(){}
* description: call a custom function after closing layer
Release Notes
2013-03-21 / 1.5.0 * JS / Replace deprecated event handlers .die() and .live() by .off() and .on()
2013-02-09 / 1.4.4 * JS / Fixed Error "ReferenceError: customWidth is not defined" in function "clean()"
2013-01-20 / 1.4.3 * JS / fixed infinity loop of callback function "callFunctionAfterShow"
2013-01-02 / 1.4.2 * JS / fixed loading of image only content * JS / extend the method "close" with optional parameter "customClass" and "customWidth" * CSS / Update "jquery.modalbox-basic.css" (img.modalBoxImagePreload, img.modalBoxImageLoadingSuccessful)
2012-04-03 / 1.4.1 * JS / Add new Optional Parameter "disablingClickToClose" * JS / Rename Optional Parameter "minimalTopSpacingOfModalbox" to "minimalTopSpacing" * JS / Rename Optional Parameter "killModalboxWithCloseButtonOnly" to "disablingTheOverlayClickToClose" * CSS / Styles for "div#modalBox.disablingClickToClose"
2012-04-01 / 1.4.0 * JS / add new Option "Image Link" * JS / change event binding (.live to .bind) of close methods * CSS / add default styles for "a.modalBoxImageLink", "img.modalBoxImageNoLink"
2012-02-12 / 1.3.0 * JS / add new Method "center" to repositioning Modalbox * JS / add new functionality to show Single Gallery Image * JS / add new option "image" for "directCall" * JS / add new option for loading ajax content via attribute "rel"
2011-06-02 / 1.2.1 * JS / add new method "dragBox". It will not be necessary to using jQuery UI Draggable PlugIn.
2010-12-30 / 1.2.0 * JS / renew callback functions. new options : callFunctionBeforeShow, callFunctionAfterShow, callFunctionBeforeHide, callFunctionAfterHide * JS / change the type of method encapsulation and architecture. collect all plugin's methods in the object literal "methods". * JS / new options for fading effects (effectType_show_fadingLayer, effectType_hide_fadingLayer, effectType_show_modalBox, effectType_hide_modalBox)
2010-11-29 / 1.1.7 * JS / fix multiple event calls after closing modalBox
2010-11-29 / 1.1.6 * JS / add new option "callFunctionAfterClosedLayer" * JS / re-new centering and fading of modal box
2010-11-28 / 1.1.5 * JS / remove no more needed Parameter "eMessageNoData" * JS / center modalBox after displaying fading layer * CSS / add new skin "precious-white"
2010-11-14 / 1.1.4 * JS / fix positioning of modal box on window resize
2010-11-14 / 1.1.3 * JS / fix process "callFunctionAfterSuccess" * JS / fix fadeIn/fadeOut for IE-Browsers (disable fading of opacity) * JS / remove functionalities of obsolete Browser "Internet Explorer 6" * JS / add new optional parameter "ajax_type" and "ajax_contentType" for ajax submit * JS / renew the styling container because of simplifying css * CSS / simplify css - using image sprites
2010-11-09 / 1.1.2 * JS / jQuery 1.2.6 is not longer supported * JS / change handling of default options * JS / attribut "positionLeft" and "positionTop" must be a Integer Value
2010-11-05 / 1.1.1 * JS / add options "fadeInActive" + "fadeOutActive" * JS / fix positioning of large content
2010-10-24 / 1.1.0 * JS / add options "positionLeft" + "positionTop" * JS / add option "customClassName"
2010-05-02 / 1.0.9 * JS / update image preparer : trap multiple images * JS / update "directCall" width option "element" * JS / initialize close event if ajax call has errors * CSS / add basic style for .modalgallery
2010-04-16 / 1.0.8 * CSS: skin support * CSS: added jquery.modalbox-skin-default.css and jquery.modalbox-skin-rounded-black.css * JS: fix custom localizing
2010-04-14 / 1.0.7 * JS: added pre-cache functionality
2010-04-14 / 1.0.6 * CSS/JS: renew IE6 Layer fix * add new parameter "setWidthOfModalLayer" to set width of modalBox
2010-04-11 / 1.0.5 * CSS: styling close button * JS / bugfixing: remove comma seperator
2010-04-11 / 1.0.4 * CSS: add styling for "emphasis" * JS / add option "custom" for parameter "setTypeOfFaderLayer" * JS / add option "custom" for parameter "setStylesOfFaderLayer" * JS / add check for class "emphasis"
2010-04-05 / 1.0.3 * expand direct call: "source" or "data" can be set * default initializing: remove not needed check of size()
2010-03-29 / 1.0.1 * JS: add events "jQuery.fn.modalBox.close" and "jQuery.fn.modalBox.clean" * CSS: add default reset for modalBox Container (needed if no global reset is set in customer css)
2010-03-28 / 1.0.0 * initial commit of jquery.modalbox-1.0.0
Project Information
- License: GNU GPL v3
- 20 stars
- svn-based source control