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jquery-frontier-calendar - ChangeLog.wiki

jQuery Frontier Calendar Change Log

Change log for plugin...

Version 1.3.2: June 24th, 2010

  • fix to getAgendaItemByDataAttr() function.

    Version 1.3.1: June 23rd, 2010

  • Crucial bug fix to the deleteAgendaItemByDataAttr(calId,attrName,attrValue) function.

  • New reRenderAgendaItems(calId) function that allows you to re-render the agenda items if they get out of alignment. Download the latest zip file and read the troubleshooting section to see when you might need to use this function.

    Version 1.3: June 22nd, 2010

  • Bug fixes

  • Tooltips on agenda items. Use any tooltip library you want. Whatever library you choose it should probably have destroy() tooltip and/or hide() tooltip methods. See documentation on applyAgendaTooltipCallback(divElm,agendaItem) callback function.

    http://jquery-frontier-calendar.googlecode.com/files/TooltipTest.png' width='400px'>

  • Two additional callback functions for drag events, agendaDragStartCallback(eventObj,divElm,agendaItem) and agendaDragStopCallback(eventObj,divElm,agendaItem). These are fired when dragging starts and dragging stops on agenda items (if drag-and-drop is enabled.)

  • New deleteAllAgendaItems(calId) method to delete all agenda items in the calendar.

  • Updated initialization for applyAgendaTooltipCallback(divElm,agendaItem), agendaDragStartCallback(eventObj,divElm,agendaItem), and agendaDragStopCallback(eventObj,divElm,agendaItem) callbacks.

    var jfcalplugin = $("#mycal").jFrontierCal({
    date: new Date(),
    dayClickCallback: myDayClickHandler,
    agendaClickCallback: myAgendaClickHandler,
    agendaDropCallback: myAgendaDropHandler,
    agendaMouseoverCallback: myAgendaMouseoverHandler,
    applyAgendaTooltipCallback: myApplyTooltip,
    agendaDragStartCallback : myAgendaDragStart,
    agendaDragStopCallback : myAgendaDragStop,
    dragAndDropEnabled: true

  • This version (like 1.2) still requires the jquery core fix for drag-and-drop under IE. I'd like to fix this so it's not required...

    Version 1.2: June 17th, 2010

  • More Bug fixes

  • CSS tweaks
    New CSS attribute for the current day.
    Arrows on agenda items that span weeks & months.

  • Drag-and-drop agenda items!
    This required a modification to the jQuery Core library to enable drag-and-drop to work correctly in Internet Explorer.
    If you don't care about IE than you can use an unmodified version of the jQuery Core library. Everything works fine in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari without the fix.
    There is a readme file inlcuded with this plugin, http://jquery-frontier-calendar.googlecode.com/files/README-IE-FIX.TXT'>http://jquery-frontier-calendar.googlecode.com/files/README-IE-FIX.TXT,
    that explains what was modified. Only one line was changed so not that big of a deal....

  • The jfcalplugin.addAgendaItem() method changed slightly.
    The new method signature is jfcalplugin.addAgendaItem(calId,title,startDate,endDate,allDay,data,displayProp).
    The new parameter is the boolean value 'allDay' which did not exist in version 1.1. This is a flag that tells the calendar the agenda item is an all day event. If you want
    the same exact functionality as version 1.1 then simply pass in 'false'. If you pass in 'true' then the start time will not be displayed on the agenda item.

  • All the getAgendaItem methods return an updated agenda object which inlcudes the allDay flag.

    agendaId: [integer],
    title: [string],
    startDate: [Date],
    endDate: [Date],
    allDay: [boolean],
    data: {
    key1: [value1],
    key2: [value2],
    displayProp: {
    backgroundColor: [string],
    foregroundColor: [string]

  • The constructor/initialize method changed slightly.
    There is a new boolean parameter called dragAndDropEnabled which allows you to turn off drag-and-drop. This is enabled by default.

    var jfcalplugin = $('selector').jFrontierCal(date,dayClickCallback,agendaClickCallback,agendaDropCallback,dragAndDropEnabled)

    Version: 1.1: June 14th

  • Bug fixes
  • CSS tweaks
  • Basic iCal VEVENT import support.
  • (Drag-and-drop coming soon!)

    Version 1.0: June 9th

  • Initial release