
Java OAI library


Joailib tries to be an easy to use java library for OAI metadata harvesting. it follows the OAI-PMH v2 spec, that you can find here


  • Support for OAI-PMH v2.
  • Automatic resumptionToken processing.
  • Harvest downloading.
  • Recovery from 503 Service Unavailable in a non abusive way.


Setting up an OAI repository

Harvester harvester = new Harvester("");


``` Identify identify = harvester.identify(); System.out.println(identify.getRepositoryName()); System.out.println(identify.getProtocolVersion());


Listing metadata supported formats

List<MetadataFormat> metadataformats = harverster.listMetadataFormats(); for(MetadataFormat metaformat : metadataformats) { System.out.println(metaformat.getSchema()); }

Listing sets

List<Set> sets = harverster.listSets(); for(Set set : sets) { System.out.println(set.getSetName()) }

Listing identifiers

List<Header> identifiers = harverster.listIdentifiers(); for(Header identifier:identifiers) { System.out.println(identifier.getIdentifier()); }

Getting a record giving an identifier

Record record = harvester.getRecord(""); System.out.println(record.getMetadata().getTitleList().get(0));

Getting all the records

// This can take a few minutes. RecordIterator it = harvester.listRecords(); while(it.hasNext()) { Record record =;
// process record here.

For more documentation on other useful classes download the joailib-bin zip, and check out the javadoc.

Project Information

OAI OAI-PMH Harvester Java OAI2.0