
java objects for neo, the graph database

0.4.1 updates for latest neo4j api changes and full text indexing here...

Simple object mapping for neo. No byte code interweaving, just plain old reflection and plain old objects.

public class Person {

//used by jo4neo
transient Nodeid node;
//simple property
@neo String firstName;
//helps you store a java.util.Date to neo4j
@neo Date date;
// jo4neo will index for you
@neo(index=true) String email;
// many to many relation
@neo Collection<Role> roles;

/* normal class oriented
* programming stuff goes here

Annotating Java Object Properties

| @neo String name;|Persist me to the graph as a property| |:-----------------|:------------------------------------| | @neo Person friend;|Persist me to the graph as a node and relation| | String misc; |Don't bother to persist me | | @neo(index=true) String name;|Persist and index this field for me | | @neo(fulltext=true) String content;|Persist and full text index | | @neo("HAS_JOB") Job job;|Persist using a given relation, by name| | @embed Address address;|Persist as serialized byte array |

Locating Java Objects in the graph

If you ask jo4neo to index a property... public class User { @neo(index=true) public String screenName; ...} you may find it like this: ObjectGraph graph = ... User user = new User(); user = graph.find(user).where(user.screenName).is(screenName).result();

To find all nodes of a given type:

Collection<City> cities = graph.get(City.class);

To load a particular node as a java object: Student s = graph.get(Student.class, 45);

To find the most recently added instances of a class: // get the four latest roles added to the graph Collection<Role> roles = graph.getMostRecent(Role.class, 4)

Project Information

java neo4j graphdatabase ORM nosql jo4neo graph javabean