
Exploring JBoss Application Server and its relating projects


jbosstown contains various sub projects that explores JBoss Application Server and its relating projects.


This project used Mercury repositories for version control. There are multiple repositories exist in here. Current list of repositories are:

  • default - It's currently empty
  • jboss-examples - A sandbox repository for many JBoss related examples, templates and development notes.
  • rabbithat/service-runner - A Java components libraries. Range from Java language helpers, to some generic business services and processors, like file-poller and data converters etc. Most code are in plain POJOs and are intended to be used by IoC friendly environment. The easiest way to use it for now is to checkout the source and run mvn install, and then it can be used as Maven dependency for other project.
  • See Source tab for more ...


As result of exploration, the Wiki section of this project contains some notes on development, configuration, deployment, and setup instructions. Feel free to use or contribute if you happens to come upon the same subject.

If you have questions, try send emails to owner: <Zemian Deng> saltnlight5 at gmail dot com.

Project Information

java jboss hibernate