
A JavaScript implementation of the planar ordinary Voronoi diagram

JS Planar Ordinary Voronoi Tesselation

created by Greg Ross

This is a pure JavaScript implementation of an incremental algorithm for a planar ordinary Voronoi diagram. The algorithm uses a quaternary tree for spatial indexing to enhance performance and facilitate efficient nearest neighbor searches. The geometry is represented by a winged-edge data structure. This provides a succinct representation from which information such as the minimum spanning tree can be derived.

An incremental algorithm was chosen over Fortune's sweepline solution so that new points can be inserted into the diagram without needing to regenerate the whole tessellation. The use of the quaternary tree also reduces the average time complexity to O(n).

Tested in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer 6. Works in IE via use of excanvas. (See test.html in the download.)

See here for a working example. Also, see the jsFiddle example.

See here for API details.

Since VML renders very slowly in IE it is advised that the fillPolygons option is set to false when the script is run in IE, especially when there are a substantial number of points in the diagram.


  • fast incremental algorithm: potentially faster than Fortune's
  • add points without entire redraw
  • pure JavaScript implementation. No need for Flash.
  • supports tooltips over Voronoi regions
  • customisable colour gradients
  • works in all popular browsers
  • wrapped in the Google Visualization API


  • spatial distributions, e.g. animal territories and bird nesting patterns
  • nearest neighbor search
  • terrain modelling
  • robot path planning
  • Delaunay Triangulation and mesh generation

The following book provides an excellent description of the above algorithm. This is what was followed in its implementation:

Okabe A., Boots B., Sugihara K., Chiu S.N.: "Spatial Tessellations. Concepts and Applications of Voronoi Diagrams." Wiley, Chichester, second edition (2000).

Other projects by Greg Ross...


An HTML scrollbar with highligting for easy access to information

Excel RangeFinder.

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Magic Table.

A JavaScript library that allows you to see more in your data by applying some simple visual techniques to transform a table.

WebGL surface plot.

3D surface plotting in JavaScript via WebGL

JavaScript 3D surface plotting.

A pure JavaScript implementation of a 3D surface plot'>' />'>' />

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v3
  • 16 stars
  • svn-based source control

visualisation visualization voronoi tessellation JavaScript canvas excanvas VML Chrome Firefox Opera Safari IE InternetExplorer graph