
JavaMail port for the android plateform

The goal is to provide a 100% working lightweight javamail port of the JavaMail API.

Currently tested / working : * IMAP commands * Mime messages handling

This work is based on the opensourced version of JavaMail and activation (JAF) available in the glassfish repository, and some parts of Apache Harmony's opensource implementation of AWT.

The source Code is available under same licenses as javamail which is : * CDDL-1.0 * GPL-2.0 * BSD


You can check this example from Jon Simon's blog

How can i help ?

No bug report accepted, it just work for my basic usage. I you want to help, just report patchs !

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v2
  • 143 stars
  • svn-based source control

javamail activation android mail imap pop