
A Maven2 archetype which eases the start of Java EE 5 application.

Java EE 5 Maven2 archetypes

This project aims to create Java EE 5 archetype to allow developers to easily jumpstart Maven2 projects.


  • A Java EE 5 archetype - javaee5-maven-archetype - which consists of:

    • A parent POM project, which encapsulates all common settings,
    • An ejb module, with simple ejb3
    • A war module, with JSF 1.2 and injected ejb3
    • An ear module, which can be easily deployed to Glassfish application server

Works on maven 2, maven 3, java 6, java 7, windows 7 and ubuntu linux.

For more info, check out Features.

Version 2.0 released!

After almost 3 years and over 2000 downloads, I've released the next version :) Check out the changes.



mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=


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Join me and help in running this page / creating new archetypes / improving archetypes etc.

Project Information

maven archetype java javaee ejb3 jsf j2ee javaee5 ear war ejb glassfish jboss