
Library for Exif tag manipulation in images directly on iPhone

|24/08/2008 - 0.9.1 release/repository upgrade for optimization issue and inclusion of simulator binary - see issues for detail| |:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |06/08/2008 - 0.9 release/repository upgrade for iPhoneOS 2.0 | |13/07/2008 - User Guide has been Updated |


An Exif Tag library editor that enables direct viewing and editing of EXIF Meta Data tags in Jpeg files on the iPhone.


The most obvious use is to manage Geo location tags into the image. However, it is also possible to edit any of the Exif tags or add your own that are not in the spec.

This is really useful for image uploads from the phone for sites like Picasa and Flickr.


  1. On device parsing and editing of EXIF in JPEG files
  2. Full support for GPS tag formats
  3. Roundtrips existing tags in the image
  4. Read/Write access to all EXIF tags
  5. Read access to JFIF data
  6. Allows custom handlers to override normal processing of any tag data
  7. Allows extra handlers to be registered to add user defined tags
  8. Builds as a static library which can be imported easily into an iphone project


There is some documentation in the project directory and an early version user guide is in the download section. There is an initial getting started discussion at http://iphone-land.blogspot.com


GPL standard license for other open source projects. A dual license can be discussed for projects which are not GPL compliant.

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v2
  • 74 stars
  • svn-based source control

objective-c iPhone EXIF Geotag geotagging location Geo Mac OSX XCode